ephesians 1:18 the message
Im convinced the single greatest problem carnal Christians have is that they dont know the hope of His calling. The Holy Spirit reveals truth to us from the Word, and then gives us the wisdom to understand and apply it. Not a stain on its pure robes; not a freckle on its leaves; not a taint of miasma on its atmosphere. From kleronomos; heirship, i.e. 8:30), the God who predestined you and called you will also glorify you. Seeking the Gospel in Malachi, the Last Book of the Old Testament. But, since there are many who dispute it, allow me just to stir up your minds by way of remembrance, by mentioning certain facts which will lead you to see clearly that verily God does choose our lot, and apportion for us our inheritance. In Ephesians 1:1820, Paul prays for believers to experience Gods resurrection power through a personal, intimate relationship with God. Setup Type: Offline Installer / Full Standalone Setup. For Further Study: Joshuas call to lead Israel was not a call to salvation, but it illustrates some important principles for spiritual leadership. The gold and the silver and all the universes are His. (Believer's Bible Commentary). The other day, when travelling in Scotland, I was introduced to some farmers whose soil was naturally of the poorest description; and yet, in answer to my inquiries, I found that they were able to raise crops of considerable weight and value. Thus, Love the Lord thy God with all thy strength (Mk 12:30): according to the working of his mighty power (Eph. (See The Oneness of Covenant), Harold Hoehner -Paul then used three additional words to describe Gods power. God is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us (Eph. Our faith in Christ did not originate with our feeble will, but with the sovereign, eternal will of God. For Further Study: Read Genesis 2733, noting how God used the events of Jacobs life to transform his weak spiritual commitment to one that was strong and unconditional (see especially Gen. 28:2022; 32:912). That call became his motivating force. THESE ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE WORKING OF THE STRENGTH OF HIS MIGHT: kata ten energeian tou kratous tes ischuos autou: INDESCRIBABLY TRANSCENDENT This marvelous faculty of spiritual sight is lacking in the unregenerated man. 2:9). (seeEphesians MacArthur New Testament Commentary) (Bolding added). All the soldiers and the high priests could not keep the body of Christ in the tomb; Death himself could not hold Jesus in his bonds: even thus irresistible is the power put forth in the believer when he is raised to newness of life. We need not pray for power to evangelize, to witness the gospel to others. Col 1:28) also I labor, striving according to His power (dunamis), which mightily works (energeo- present tense - continually works) within me. 4:15). The answer, according to one of the apostle Pauls prayers, is found in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Perhaps he perceived a power shortage in the Ephesians saints! The Greek word translated power is dunamis, from which we get dynamite and dynamo. To understand it, you must continually ask God to enlighten the eyes of your heart. The four words are dunamis, energeia, ischus and kratos. Paul would have us appreciate our dignity. A. Galatians 5:5 For we through the Spirit, by faith, are waiting for the hope of righteousness. In addition to a holy calling, saints also have a high ("upward") calling (Php 3:14+) and a heavenly calling (Heb 3:1+). We were designed before the foundation of the world to be His workmanship, glorifying Him as we bring forth the fruit He desires (Ephesians 1:45;2:10). Because God's resurrection power continues to work in us, it helps us (ED: MORE ACCURATELY IT ENABLES US! Revelation, Search Wikipedia using spiritual discretion, our need to depend on the Holy Spirit to obey, Lehman Strauss Commentary Devotional Studies on Paul's Letters to the Galatians and Ephesians, Nelson's Annual Preacher's Sourcebook, 2002 Edition, Ephesians MacArthur New Testament Commentary, Ephesians 1:15-23 Possessing the Possessions in Christ, The Wealth, Walk and Warfare of the Christian, Brown, Colin, Editor. Morning and Evening, Spurgeon - In the resurrection of Christ, as in our salvation, there was put forth nothing short of a divine power. 10:10): a strong consolation (Heb6:18): a mighty angel (Rev18:21). The giant trees are cut down; and their roots burnt out, or extracted by a team of horses. (Bible Knowledge Commentary), In another note Hoehner writes that "The word kleronomia occurred in Eph 1:14 and basically means property, possession, or inheritance. "and to earnestly desire to walk worthy of the calling to which they have been called, motivated by the "hope of His calling". But Ephesians emphasizes God's inheritance in the saints. ), "What I do you do not realize (eido- know beyond a shadow of a doubt) now, but you shall understand (ginosko- understand by your experience) hereafter. It will fill you with thanksgiving, joy, and hope. But because Israel rejected that call and followed idols, they never flourished in the way God wanted to prosper them. Or if you are so afraid of robbers that you cannot really enjoy it? Knowing these truths in a deeper, more intuitive way, you will be empowered by His Spirit to stand firm on Who He is and how faithful He will be to all of His promises towards you. The radical idea of ischus, might, is that of indwelling strength, especially as embodied: might which inheres in physical powers organized and working under individual direction, as an army: which appears in the resistance of physical organisms, as the earth, against which one dashes himself in vain: which dwells in persons or things, and gives them influence or value: which resides in laws or punishments to make them irresistible. It will be too depressing, we say to ourselves. 1 Timothy Romans 8:28-30 And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. 3:21; Col. 2:12; 2 Thess. THE POWER OF GOD IN THE ASCENSION LIFE. The invitation goes out to everyone: Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. But many ignore the invitation or make up excuses for why they cannot respond. But where is He?. The first phrase of verse 18 is literally, the eyes of your heart having been enlightened. I understand it to be explaining in more specific detail Pauls words in verse 17, that God would give us a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the true knowledge of Him. To know these spiritual truths, God must open our eyes. Sign up now for the latest news and deals from Bible Gateway! The Greek text may be interpreted in either of two ways. Joel Seated with Him. | GotQuestions.org, Is there any power in positive thinking? (Eph 1:3). (THE MEASURE OF IMMEASURABLE POWER), Surpassing (5235) (huperballo from hupr = above + bllo = cast) literally means to throw beyond the usual mark and figuratively means to excel or surpass. We have an inheritance in him, and he has an inheritance in us. Aristotle (Rhet., i., 5) says strength (ischus)is the power of moving another as one wills; and that other is to be moved either by drawing or pushing or carrying or pressing or compressing; so that the strong (ho ischuros) is strong for all or for some of these things.. Throughout the Old Testament, the verb know and the noun knowledge refer to intimacy and relationship, not simply a cognitive understanding of the facts. The present glories of the ascended Christ are glories possessed by a Man, and, that being so, they are available as evidences and measures of the power which works in believing souls. 1:18) (ED: I WOULD SAY THIS IS ALSO THE WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT). 13:3; Ezra 9:8; Barn. As saints, were Gods inheritance, His treasure, His prize! After salvation, we are further called to grow in Christian virtue and serve God by good works; in fact, it is this maturation process that confirms our calling by God (2 Peter 1:510). This effect in context undoubtedly refers to the ministry of the Holy Spirit Who illuminates spiritual truth to the hearts of believers (See Illumination of the Bible). He does not ask God to give them what they do not have, but rather prays that God will reveal to them what they already have. Harold Hoehner -In Eph 1:14 Paul wrote that the Christians inheritance is their final redemption from the presence of sin. 1:31; 2:10, 19, 21; 3:1; 10:13, 33; 11:2; 23:4, 11; 28:6; 29:2; 30:15; 33:11, 13; 37:3; 40:9f, 26, 29, 31; 41:1; 42:13; 44:12; 45:1; 47:5, 9; 49:4f, 26; 51:9; 52:1; 58:1; 61:6; 62:8; 63:1, 15; Jer. It's coming together, and it's all up under the headship of Jesus Christ. . Amen. With all these avenues confirming her decision, she feels confident moving forward into the call of God for her life. Also the verb ischuooIt is good for nothing (Mt. What a transformation took place in Peters life between the end of the Gospels and the beginning of Acts. 11:22]). It abounded with orators and philosophers, and men of great wisdom and learning {c}; and was formerly a very rich, trading, flourishing city, but now a village, and a poor desolate place; it retains the name of Efeso, though the Turks call it Aia Salik. He finally disembarked his troops from a lack of support at home. Kardia in Ephesians - Eph. Eido was found in the Greek secular writings to describe a theory or hypothesis which had been confirmed. A little spark of accomplishment To each the conception of looking onward is attached; to the "calling" "hope," to the "inheritance" "glory," to the "power" the exaltation of Christ (and of us with Him; see Ephesians 2:6) to the right hand of God. 31:14. He will bring fruit out of thy rockiest nature, as the Norwegians raise crops on every scrap of soil on their mountain slopes. The analogy that we have quoted, however, fails us utterly in its final working out. This is the curse of Christian living. The power of God that was wrought, by God in Christ works in me. - Jn 15:5!) Rom. This was true for the Ephesians, and it is true for us today. Here is the inexhaustible strength of God in taking His crucified Son who was dead and buried, and raising Him from among the dead to His present majestic position in heaven. Even the best Christians need to be prayed for: and while we hear of the welfare of Christian friends, we should pray for them. TECHNICAL NOTE - Note that the KJV translated from the Greek Textus Receptus (the NASB, ESV, et al are from the Nestle-Aland Greek) does not have "heart" (kardia) but has the word "understanding" which in the is the noun dianoia an old word for the faculty of understanding. I pray that you may know what is the hope of [Gods] calling (Eph. David wrote, Thine, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, indeed everything that is in the heavens and the earth; Thine is the dominion, O Lord, and Thou dost exalt Thyself as head over all. (Eph 4:1+). "Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over him." The idea is that it is the active efficacy of the might that is inherent in God, His indwelling strength. Look at our Lords body in the tomb. Bible Gateway passage: Ephesians 1:18-23 - The Message It is not the word preached, nor the word read in itself; all quickening power proceeds from the Holy Ghost. He has called us to perfection in the likeness of Jesus Christ (Rom. We have the case of Elisha when the Syrian army was sent to Dothan to take him captive. 15-19Thats why, when I heard of the solid trust you have in the Master Jesus and your outpouring of love to all the followers of Jesus, I couldnt stop thanking God for youevery time I prayed, Id think of you and give thanks. He returned home and wrote his wife, who was away: There has come a complete change into my life. This down payment from God is the first installment on whats coming, a reminder that well get everything God has planned for us, a praising and glorious life. Such enlightenment is crucial because how you perceive your spiritual resources dictates how you live. The surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe. Set apart by (or for) God, holy, sacred. The heart the seat of the mind and will, and the heart could be taught what the brain could never know (or sadly the converse to know something intellectually but not in one's heart!) And what did the greatness of His arm accomplish? It will encourage you to go on. I knew his hand was bigger than mine." God has given us His Word as the manual for our salvation. That burden was placed there by the Lord as part of His calling. But their willingness to persevere assured victory, for Hannibal could never conquer them. THOUGHT - Believers in Christ are privileged to worship the Truth personified and consummated in Christ Jesus! I, Paul, am under Gods plan as an apostle, a special agent of Christ Jesus, writing to you faithful believers in Ephesus. Hebrews 13:21 records the prayer, "Make you perfect [mature] in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is wellpleasing in his sight.". Figuratively, as used in this verse, photizo means to make clear, to cause to fully know or to cause to understand and is used of God's enlightenment through revelation. How much spiritual strength is available for me in my daily life? Most uses are figurative. Nothing will rob you of your assurance quicker than unconfessed sin. 7:24; 19:11f, 14; 24:21, 25; 26:11; 27:12; 30:6, 15, 18, 21; 31:18; 32:12, 16, 18, 20, 26, 29ff; 33:28; 34:27; Dan. Rab. Jude The inability to see and understand spiritual things is not the fault of the intelligence but of the heart. In favor of this view is the context of Ephesians 1 (verses 3, 11, & 14). Oh! The practical application of this is that your salvation does not rest on your choosing Christ, but rather on His choosing you. The hope of our calling is the absolute certainty of our heavenly destiny and includes all that awaits the saints at the return of the Lord Jesus and is what Paul referred to by the phrase the "Blessed hope" writing in Titus that the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all men, instructing us to deny ungodliness and worldly desires and to live sensibly, righteously and godly in the present age, looking (not just any kind of looking but looking anxiously, eagerly, earnestly, expectantly) for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus Who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself a people for His own possession, zealous for good deeds. Surely not. Some are called to the political arena or to end human trafficking. Wealthybut miserable! He does everything he can to buy the field in which the treasure is buried. Thus, it seems that the author is saying, "I know that you are saved, that you have had the blinders of the devil removed; because of this, I can now pray that you will fully understand and see the light of God's glorious revelation." His faith that God will strengthen me This is misapplication of this English derivative in an attempt to try to picture the life saving power of the gospel. It is truth too magnificent for words to describe which is why even Gods own revelation requires illumination of His Spirit in order for believers to begin to understand the magnitude of the blessings of salvation that exist for saints. Finally. God's people do not fight for victory but from victory! The answer is yes, yes, yes. The child that lies in yonder cradle, over which the coronet is emblazoned, may claim his broad ancestral estates simply by right of birth: and it is on that tenure that the saints hold heaven. Paul applies this truth that we are God's inheritance in his letter to the Corinthians writing Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? Paul explained (Col. 1:29), For this purpose also I labor, striving according to His power, which mightily works within me. Laboring in His power is the antidote to burnout. We are God's very special possession - His glorious inheritance. It is reserved in heaven for you. And not just barely free, either. But it is a compact that will not hold. The power of God is most neglected resource in the Church. There are too many Christians trying to do the work of God without first being filled with God. The resurrection power that raised up the Lord Jesus Christ from the dead is the power that works in every single believer. He will occupy and keep thee. Love will only give itself to love. 2:9; 2 Thess. From her own people Rome raised an army, animated it with patriotism, and ordered it to fight. Paul referred to this when he told the Colossians that God's power "worketh in me mightily" (1:29). (1Cor 6:19, 20+). Suggestions for Prayer: Thank God for the security of your salvation. The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints. 3:20). The ultimate hope for Christians is to be with their Lord (Rom 5:45; 8:20, 2425; 12:12; 15:13; Gal 5:5; Col 1:5; Titus 1:2) and they eagerly wait for his coming, unlike the heathen who have no hope (Eph 2:12; 1 Thess 4:1318; 5:8; Titus 2:13; 1 John 3:3). Ephesians 6:10 (note) Finally, be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of His might. Seeking the Gospel in Malachi, the Last Book of the Old Testament. In this passage energeia describes the active, energetic, productive power of the Spirit of God at work. 2:1416). I am in total agreement with you. He needs the Spirit to enlighten him (1 Cor. The Christian needs supernatural power, and God would have us see how great is His power to accomplish His purposes in us. Open the compasses of your faith to measure this measureless abyss; and then marvel at the power which bore your Lord across it, and know that that same power is towards you, if you believe, waiting to do as much for you in your daily experience if you will but let it have its blessed way. Glorified in the life that is life indeed. This deep, interior "cardiac" enlightenment is clearly the result of the work of the Holy Spirit Who leads the believer to know (eido) intuitively all that God has made available to him in Christ (cf Jesus' promise to the disciples - Jn 16:13, cp 1Jn 2:20, 28+, 1Cor 2:10-13, 15-16+), and in essence to come to understand what it means to be "in Christ" or "in Him". The fault is with themselves. Riches (4149) (ploutos) refers to the abundance of earthly goods, but here refers to spiritual abundance. 119:18) or other spiritual realities (2 Kings 6:17). 4:11; 1 Pet. What an objective in prayer! This certainty is provided in Jesus Christ. There are enemies who want to rob us of our wealth (Eph 1:21; 6:11; 6:12 see notes Ep 1:21; 6:11; 6:12). So that (1519) (eis) conveys the primary idea of motion into any place or thing figuratively as here speaks of the purpose for the Ephesian saints having been enlightened. 1:19; Eph. Colossians 1:5; 23 because of the hope laid up for you in heaven, of which you previously heard in the word of truth, the gospel (1:23) if indeed you continue in the faith firmly established and steadfast, and not moved away from the hope of the gospel that you have heard, which was proclaimed in all creation under heaven, and of which I, Paul, was made a minister. It does not matter how it hurts as long as it gives God the chance to manifest Himself in your mortal flesh. Here he prays that we will know the riches of its glory. Zechariah (Complete Biblical Library Greek-English Dictionary). They say, I dont bother with theology. Kleronomia has the richer associations in the context of salvation history. Ephesians 1:18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints (NASB: Lockman). Camp out here in a letter that begins with "every spiritual blessing in the heavenly in Christ." If, for example, you realize you have every resource for godly living (Eph. Because of this event, the believer can have assurance that the same powerthe immeasurable power of Godis working on his behalf today and will continue to provide what he needs until he arrives in heaven. (Matthew 13:31-32) He used the mustard seed to teach His disciples an important lesson about faith and victory. On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand; An almost identical prayer is recorded by Clement of Rome(written between 75-110 AD, cf to Ephesians 60-62 AD) asking God to open the eyes of our heart to know you. (Also a good prayer!). Matthew Gods mighty power has granted us all that we need for life and godliness, so that we can escape the corruption that is in the world by lust (2 Pet. I want this day to be as a thousand years for you. Galatians You have given us freedom, That I'm dressed in Your royalty get to know the Bible better! 1 Peter They use laser beams to read songs encoded on the disk. This time, Jonah did. 1:18). Will this day ever end? If you are in a strained marriage, a single person aware of your loneliness, or if youre physically afflicted, a day can indeed seem like a thousand years. The wealthy devoted their treasure to the cause, and all classes sacrificed everyday amenities for troops in the field. Observe that the power which raised Christ from the dead was glorious. Eph 3:20+ Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us (speaking of the power of the Spirit that continually energizes us - see Php 2:13+, cp the prayer in Eph 3:16+!). It takes far more faith to encounter and endure the battles of the Christian life than it did to trust Christ and be born again. They are, so to speak, what he looks forward to enjoying forever. Numbers The soul, as is written, The soul of man is the lamp of the Lord (Prov. Memorize them which will facilitate "meditation on the fly" (when you don't have your Bible open, but you do have the text written on the "tablet" of your heart). James Christ has already won the victory over sin, death, the world, and Satan. 1986. Ephesians 6:10 says, "Be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. Represented by Tyndale House Publishers. Ephesians 4:1 I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, Romans 8:28-30 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. We have been called, chosen, justified, and glorified for we are saved by grace through faith in Christ and are become his chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation. The power he prays we will know is literally according to the power of the strength of his might which he worked in Christ, raising him from the dead (vv. But with God this shall never be. Hartzler. Plato (Protagoras, 350) draws the distinction thus: I should not have admitted that the able (dunatous) are strong (ischurous), though I have admitted that the strong are able. ", Luke 10:27+ And he answered and said, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself. But you cant understand this manual by mere human insight or wisdom. The new has come, Now I have resurrection power living on the inside Most Campaign Contributions For Texas Legislature Races Come From, Ethos In Pericles Funeral Oration, Pole And Line Tuna Brands, Farnham Hospital Walk In Blood Tests, Sami Knotek Now, Articles E
Im convinced the single greatest problem carnal Christians have is that they dont know the hope of His calling. The Holy Spirit reveals truth to us from the Word, and then gives us the wisdom to understand and apply it. Not a stain on its pure robes; not a freckle on its leaves; not a taint of miasma on its atmosphere. From kleronomos; heirship, i.e. 8:30), the God who predestined you and called you will also glorify you. Seeking the Gospel in Malachi, the Last Book of the Old Testament. But, since there are many who dispute it, allow me just to stir up your minds by way of remembrance, by mentioning certain facts which will lead you to see clearly that verily God does choose our lot, and apportion for us our inheritance. In Ephesians 1:1820, Paul prays for believers to experience Gods resurrection power through a personal, intimate relationship with God. Setup Type: Offline Installer / Full Standalone Setup. For Further Study: Joshuas call to lead Israel was not a call to salvation, but it illustrates some important principles for spiritual leadership. The gold and the silver and all the universes are His. (Believer's Bible Commentary). The other day, when travelling in Scotland, I was introduced to some farmers whose soil was naturally of the poorest description; and yet, in answer to my inquiries, I found that they were able to raise crops of considerable weight and value. Thus, Love the Lord thy God with all thy strength (Mk 12:30): according to the working of his mighty power (Eph. (See The Oneness of Covenant), Harold Hoehner -Paul then used three additional words to describe Gods power. God is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us (Eph. Our faith in Christ did not originate with our feeble will, but with the sovereign, eternal will of God. For Further Study: Read Genesis 2733, noting how God used the events of Jacobs life to transform his weak spiritual commitment to one that was strong and unconditional (see especially Gen. 28:2022; 32:912). That call became his motivating force. THESE ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE WORKING OF THE STRENGTH OF HIS MIGHT: kata ten energeian tou kratous tes ischuos autou: INDESCRIBABLY TRANSCENDENT This marvelous faculty of spiritual sight is lacking in the unregenerated man. 2:9). (seeEphesians MacArthur New Testament Commentary) (Bolding added). All the soldiers and the high priests could not keep the body of Christ in the tomb; Death himself could not hold Jesus in his bonds: even thus irresistible is the power put forth in the believer when he is raised to newness of life. We need not pray for power to evangelize, to witness the gospel to others. Col 1:28) also I labor, striving according to His power (dunamis), which mightily works (energeo- present tense - continually works) within me. 4:15). The answer, according to one of the apostle Pauls prayers, is found in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Perhaps he perceived a power shortage in the Ephesians saints! The Greek word translated power is dunamis, from which we get dynamite and dynamo. To understand it, you must continually ask God to enlighten the eyes of your heart. The four words are dunamis, energeia, ischus and kratos. Paul would have us appreciate our dignity. A. Galatians 5:5 For we through the Spirit, by faith, are waiting for the hope of righteousness. In addition to a holy calling, saints also have a high ("upward") calling (Php 3:14+) and a heavenly calling (Heb 3:1+). We were designed before the foundation of the world to be His workmanship, glorifying Him as we bring forth the fruit He desires (Ephesians 1:45;2:10). Because God's resurrection power continues to work in us, it helps us (ED: MORE ACCURATELY IT ENABLES US! Revelation, Search Wikipedia using spiritual discretion, our need to depend on the Holy Spirit to obey, Lehman Strauss Commentary Devotional Studies on Paul's Letters to the Galatians and Ephesians, Nelson's Annual Preacher's Sourcebook, 2002 Edition, Ephesians MacArthur New Testament Commentary, Ephesians 1:15-23 Possessing the Possessions in Christ, The Wealth, Walk and Warfare of the Christian, Brown, Colin, Editor. Morning and Evening, Spurgeon - In the resurrection of Christ, as in our salvation, there was put forth nothing short of a divine power. 10:10): a strong consolation (Heb6:18): a mighty angel (Rev18:21). The giant trees are cut down; and their roots burnt out, or extracted by a team of horses. (Bible Knowledge Commentary), In another note Hoehner writes that "The word kleronomia occurred in Eph 1:14 and basically means property, possession, or inheritance. "and to earnestly desire to walk worthy of the calling to which they have been called, motivated by the "hope of His calling". But Ephesians emphasizes God's inheritance in the saints. ), "What I do you do not realize (eido- know beyond a shadow of a doubt) now, but you shall understand (ginosko- understand by your experience) hereafter. It will fill you with thanksgiving, joy, and hope. But because Israel rejected that call and followed idols, they never flourished in the way God wanted to prosper them. Or if you are so afraid of robbers that you cannot really enjoy it? Knowing these truths in a deeper, more intuitive way, you will be empowered by His Spirit to stand firm on Who He is and how faithful He will be to all of His promises towards you. The radical idea of ischus, might, is that of indwelling strength, especially as embodied: might which inheres in physical powers organized and working under individual direction, as an army: which appears in the resistance of physical organisms, as the earth, against which one dashes himself in vain: which dwells in persons or things, and gives them influence or value: which resides in laws or punishments to make them irresistible. It will be too depressing, we say to ourselves. 1 Timothy Romans 8:28-30 And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. 3:21; Col. 2:12; 2 Thess. THE POWER OF GOD IN THE ASCENSION LIFE. The invitation goes out to everyone: Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. But many ignore the invitation or make up excuses for why they cannot respond. But where is He?. The first phrase of verse 18 is literally, the eyes of your heart having been enlightened. I understand it to be explaining in more specific detail Pauls words in verse 17, that God would give us a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the true knowledge of Him. To know these spiritual truths, God must open our eyes. Sign up now for the latest news and deals from Bible Gateway! The Greek text may be interpreted in either of two ways. Joel Seated with Him. | GotQuestions.org, Is there any power in positive thinking? (Eph 1:3). (THE MEASURE OF IMMEASURABLE POWER), Surpassing (5235) (huperballo from hupr = above + bllo = cast) literally means to throw beyond the usual mark and figuratively means to excel or surpass. We have an inheritance in him, and he has an inheritance in us. Aristotle (Rhet., i., 5) says strength (ischus)is the power of moving another as one wills; and that other is to be moved either by drawing or pushing or carrying or pressing or compressing; so that the strong (ho ischuros) is strong for all or for some of these things.. Throughout the Old Testament, the verb know and the noun knowledge refer to intimacy and relationship, not simply a cognitive understanding of the facts. The present glories of the ascended Christ are glories possessed by a Man, and, that being so, they are available as evidences and measures of the power which works in believing souls. 1:18) (ED: I WOULD SAY THIS IS ALSO THE WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT). 13:3; Ezra 9:8; Barn. As saints, were Gods inheritance, His treasure, His prize! After salvation, we are further called to grow in Christian virtue and serve God by good works; in fact, it is this maturation process that confirms our calling by God (2 Peter 1:510). This effect in context undoubtedly refers to the ministry of the Holy Spirit Who illuminates spiritual truth to the hearts of believers (See Illumination of the Bible). He does not ask God to give them what they do not have, but rather prays that God will reveal to them what they already have. Harold Hoehner -In Eph 1:14 Paul wrote that the Christians inheritance is their final redemption from the presence of sin. 1:31; 2:10, 19, 21; 3:1; 10:13, 33; 11:2; 23:4, 11; 28:6; 29:2; 30:15; 33:11, 13; 37:3; 40:9f, 26, 29, 31; 41:1; 42:13; 44:12; 45:1; 47:5, 9; 49:4f, 26; 51:9; 52:1; 58:1; 61:6; 62:8; 63:1, 15; Jer. It's coming together, and it's all up under the headship of Jesus Christ. . Amen. With all these avenues confirming her decision, she feels confident moving forward into the call of God for her life. Also the verb ischuooIt is good for nothing (Mt. What a transformation took place in Peters life between the end of the Gospels and the beginning of Acts. 11:22]). It abounded with orators and philosophers, and men of great wisdom and learning {c}; and was formerly a very rich, trading, flourishing city, but now a village, and a poor desolate place; it retains the name of Efeso, though the Turks call it Aia Salik. He finally disembarked his troops from a lack of support at home. Kardia in Ephesians - Eph. Eido was found in the Greek secular writings to describe a theory or hypothesis which had been confirmed. A little spark of accomplishment To each the conception of looking onward is attached; to the "calling" "hope," to the "inheritance" "glory," to the "power" the exaltation of Christ (and of us with Him; see Ephesians 2:6) to the right hand of God. 31:14. He will bring fruit out of thy rockiest nature, as the Norwegians raise crops on every scrap of soil on their mountain slopes. The analogy that we have quoted, however, fails us utterly in its final working out. This is the curse of Christian living. The power of God that was wrought, by God in Christ works in me. - Jn 15:5!) Rom. This was true for the Ephesians, and it is true for us today. Here is the inexhaustible strength of God in taking His crucified Son who was dead and buried, and raising Him from among the dead to His present majestic position in heaven. Even the best Christians need to be prayed for: and while we hear of the welfare of Christian friends, we should pray for them. TECHNICAL NOTE - Note that the KJV translated from the Greek Textus Receptus (the NASB, ESV, et al are from the Nestle-Aland Greek) does not have "heart" (kardia) but has the word "understanding" which in the is the noun dianoia an old word for the faculty of understanding. I pray that you may know what is the hope of [Gods] calling (Eph. David wrote, Thine, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, indeed everything that is in the heavens and the earth; Thine is the dominion, O Lord, and Thou dost exalt Thyself as head over all. (Eph 4:1+). "Christ being raised from the dead dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over him." The idea is that it is the active efficacy of the might that is inherent in God, His indwelling strength. Look at our Lords body in the tomb. Bible Gateway passage: Ephesians 1:18-23 - The Message It is not the word preached, nor the word read in itself; all quickening power proceeds from the Holy Ghost. He has called us to perfection in the likeness of Jesus Christ (Rom. We have the case of Elisha when the Syrian army was sent to Dothan to take him captive. 15-19Thats why, when I heard of the solid trust you have in the Master Jesus and your outpouring of love to all the followers of Jesus, I couldnt stop thanking God for youevery time I prayed, Id think of you and give thanks. He returned home and wrote his wife, who was away: There has come a complete change into my life. This down payment from God is the first installment on whats coming, a reminder that well get everything God has planned for us, a praising and glorious life. Such enlightenment is crucial because how you perceive your spiritual resources dictates how you live. The surpassing greatness of His power toward us who believe. Set apart by (or for) God, holy, sacred. The heart the seat of the mind and will, and the heart could be taught what the brain could never know (or sadly the converse to know something intellectually but not in one's heart!) And what did the greatness of His arm accomplish? It will encourage you to go on. I knew his hand was bigger than mine." God has given us His Word as the manual for our salvation. That burden was placed there by the Lord as part of His calling. But their willingness to persevere assured victory, for Hannibal could never conquer them. THOUGHT - Believers in Christ are privileged to worship the Truth personified and consummated in Christ Jesus! I, Paul, am under Gods plan as an apostle, a special agent of Christ Jesus, writing to you faithful believers in Ephesus. Hebrews 13:21 records the prayer, "Make you perfect [mature] in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is wellpleasing in his sight.". Figuratively, as used in this verse, photizo means to make clear, to cause to fully know or to cause to understand and is used of God's enlightenment through revelation. How much spiritual strength is available for me in my daily life? Most uses are figurative. Nothing will rob you of your assurance quicker than unconfessed sin. 7:24; 19:11f, 14; 24:21, 25; 26:11; 27:12; 30:6, 15, 18, 21; 31:18; 32:12, 16, 18, 20, 26, 29ff; 33:28; 34:27; Dan. Rab. Jude The inability to see and understand spiritual things is not the fault of the intelligence but of the heart. In favor of this view is the context of Ephesians 1 (verses 3, 11, & 14). Oh! The practical application of this is that your salvation does not rest on your choosing Christ, but rather on His choosing you. The hope of our calling is the absolute certainty of our heavenly destiny and includes all that awaits the saints at the return of the Lord Jesus and is what Paul referred to by the phrase the "Blessed hope" writing in Titus that the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all men, instructing us to deny ungodliness and worldly desires and to live sensibly, righteously and godly in the present age, looking (not just any kind of looking but looking anxiously, eagerly, earnestly, expectantly) for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus Who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself a people for His own possession, zealous for good deeds. Surely not. Some are called to the political arena or to end human trafficking. Wealthybut miserable! He does everything he can to buy the field in which the treasure is buried. Thus, it seems that the author is saying, "I know that you are saved, that you have had the blinders of the devil removed; because of this, I can now pray that you will fully understand and see the light of God's glorious revelation." His faith that God will strengthen me This is misapplication of this English derivative in an attempt to try to picture the life saving power of the gospel. It is truth too magnificent for words to describe which is why even Gods own revelation requires illumination of His Spirit in order for believers to begin to understand the magnitude of the blessings of salvation that exist for saints. Finally. God's people do not fight for victory but from victory! The answer is yes, yes, yes. The child that lies in yonder cradle, over which the coronet is emblazoned, may claim his broad ancestral estates simply by right of birth: and it is on that tenure that the saints hold heaven. Paul applies this truth that we are God's inheritance in his letter to the Corinthians writing Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? Paul explained (Col. 1:29), For this purpose also I labor, striving according to His power, which mightily works within me. Laboring in His power is the antidote to burnout. We are God's very special possession - His glorious inheritance. It is reserved in heaven for you. And not just barely free, either. But it is a compact that will not hold. The power of God is most neglected resource in the Church. There are too many Christians trying to do the work of God without first being filled with God. The resurrection power that raised up the Lord Jesus Christ from the dead is the power that works in every single believer. He will occupy and keep thee. Love will only give itself to love. 2:9; 2 Thess. From her own people Rome raised an army, animated it with patriotism, and ordered it to fight. Paul referred to this when he told the Colossians that God's power "worketh in me mightily" (1:29). (1Cor 6:19, 20+). Suggestions for Prayer: Thank God for the security of your salvation. The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints. 3:20). The ultimate hope for Christians is to be with their Lord (Rom 5:45; 8:20, 2425; 12:12; 15:13; Gal 5:5; Col 1:5; Titus 1:2) and they eagerly wait for his coming, unlike the heathen who have no hope (Eph 2:12; 1 Thess 4:1318; 5:8; Titus 2:13; 1 John 3:3). Ephesians 6:10 (note) Finally, be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of His might. Seeking the Gospel in Malachi, the Last Book of the Old Testament. In this passage energeia describes the active, energetic, productive power of the Spirit of God at work. 2:1416). I am in total agreement with you. He needs the Spirit to enlighten him (1 Cor. The Christian needs supernatural power, and God would have us see how great is His power to accomplish His purposes in us. Open the compasses of your faith to measure this measureless abyss; and then marvel at the power which bore your Lord across it, and know that that same power is towards you, if you believe, waiting to do as much for you in your daily experience if you will but let it have its blessed way. Glorified in the life that is life indeed. This deep, interior "cardiac" enlightenment is clearly the result of the work of the Holy Spirit Who leads the believer to know (eido) intuitively all that God has made available to him in Christ (cf Jesus' promise to the disciples - Jn 16:13, cp 1Jn 2:20, 28+, 1Cor 2:10-13, 15-16+), and in essence to come to understand what it means to be "in Christ" or "in Him". The fault is with themselves. Riches (4149) (ploutos) refers to the abundance of earthly goods, but here refers to spiritual abundance. 119:18) or other spiritual realities (2 Kings 6:17). 4:11; 1 Pet. What an objective in prayer! This certainty is provided in Jesus Christ. There are enemies who want to rob us of our wealth (Eph 1:21; 6:11; 6:12 see notes Ep 1:21; 6:11; 6:12). So that (1519) (eis) conveys the primary idea of motion into any place or thing figuratively as here speaks of the purpose for the Ephesian saints having been enlightened. 1:19; Eph. Colossians 1:5; 23 because of the hope laid up for you in heaven, of which you previously heard in the word of truth, the gospel (1:23) if indeed you continue in the faith firmly established and steadfast, and not moved away from the hope of the gospel that you have heard, which was proclaimed in all creation under heaven, and of which I, Paul, was made a minister. It does not matter how it hurts as long as it gives God the chance to manifest Himself in your mortal flesh. Here he prays that we will know the riches of its glory. Zechariah (Complete Biblical Library Greek-English Dictionary). They say, I dont bother with theology. Kleronomia has the richer associations in the context of salvation history. Ephesians 1:18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints (NASB: Lockman). Camp out here in a letter that begins with "every spiritual blessing in the heavenly in Christ." If, for example, you realize you have every resource for godly living (Eph. Because of this event, the believer can have assurance that the same powerthe immeasurable power of Godis working on his behalf today and will continue to provide what he needs until he arrives in heaven. (Matthew 13:31-32) He used the mustard seed to teach His disciples an important lesson about faith and victory. On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand; An almost identical prayer is recorded by Clement of Rome(written between 75-110 AD, cf to Ephesians 60-62 AD) asking God to open the eyes of our heart to know you. (Also a good prayer!). Matthew Gods mighty power has granted us all that we need for life and godliness, so that we can escape the corruption that is in the world by lust (2 Pet. I want this day to be as a thousand years for you. Galatians You have given us freedom, That I'm dressed in Your royalty get to know the Bible better! 1 Peter They use laser beams to read songs encoded on the disk. This time, Jonah did. 1:18). Will this day ever end? If you are in a strained marriage, a single person aware of your loneliness, or if youre physically afflicted, a day can indeed seem like a thousand years. The wealthy devoted their treasure to the cause, and all classes sacrificed everyday amenities for troops in the field. Observe that the power which raised Christ from the dead was glorious. Eph 3:20+ Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us (speaking of the power of the Spirit that continually energizes us - see Php 2:13+, cp the prayer in Eph 3:16+!). It takes far more faith to encounter and endure the battles of the Christian life than it did to trust Christ and be born again. They are, so to speak, what he looks forward to enjoying forever. Numbers The soul, as is written, The soul of man is the lamp of the Lord (Prov. Memorize them which will facilitate "meditation on the fly" (when you don't have your Bible open, but you do have the text written on the "tablet" of your heart). James Christ has already won the victory over sin, death, the world, and Satan. 1986. Ephesians 6:10 says, "Be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. Represented by Tyndale House Publishers. Ephesians 4:1 I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, Romans 8:28-30 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. We have been called, chosen, justified, and glorified for we are saved by grace through faith in Christ and are become his chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation. The power he prays we will know is literally according to the power of the strength of his might which he worked in Christ, raising him from the dead (vv. But with God this shall never be. Hartzler. Plato (Protagoras, 350) draws the distinction thus: I should not have admitted that the able (dunatous) are strong (ischurous), though I have admitted that the strong are able. ", Luke 10:27+ And he answered and said, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself. But you cant understand this manual by mere human insight or wisdom. The new has come, Now I have resurrection power living on the inside

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ephesians 1:18 the message