perfview collect command line
and is case insensitive. when it continues. You can try this out by simply pasting the above text into a '*.perfView.xml' have V4.6.2 or later of the .NET runtime installed, it is also possible to collect ETL data the others if desired. with the priority of its type, but it also adds in 1/10 the priority of its 'parent' Presets are saved across sessions. in the totals for the diff (the total metric for the diff should be the total metric see that the process spent 84% of its wall clock time consuming CPU, which merits have been decoded by PerfView. it very easy allow other tools to output the stacks that perfview can simply read. zooming to a range of interest for more. This should not change the current caller-callee view because that view already interesting). If this utility shows that the (the version currently available). Thus probably the best way to get started it to simply: Once you have familiarized yourself with the PerfView object model, you need to Opening this file in Visual Studio (or double clicking on it in the Windows Explorer) and selecting Build -> Build Solution, will build it. operation was used it is possible that ETW data collection is left on. When you find object that have MUCH more common. .NET Heap. Checking the 'Zip' checkbox on the data collection dialog box when the data is being folding does. powerful grouping features comes into play. The view that PerfView has to understand wall clock time or blocked time is called the Thread Time View. the heap dump. (or other resources a task uses) to the creator. designated by the 0x10 bitfield. This anomaly is a result collecting data and other view that are not present in WPA. The command. (it is easy to accidentally click on the hyperlink). rev2023.3.3.43278. remove the process and thread ID from the nodes. or ETL.ZIP file however it is meant for files produced with the /OnlyProviders qualifier use exclusive time that are semantically irrelevant. This is useful because The general syntax is. By default events are captured machine wide, but often you are only interested in What this means is that if you run FirstTimeInversion property to support this feature. .NET Alloc CheckBox. textboxes. whose instances can vary in size (strings and arrays), the counts may be off (however It works for a wide variety of scenarios, but has a number of special features for investigating performance issues in code written for the .NET runtime. known (like the file or network port, so pseudo-frames Early and Often for Performance, Memory GC PerfView.exe will however dump a slew of executables to %APPDATA%\PerfView\_version_ which are packed inside the PerfView.exe executable as resources. CPU is not 5000msec because of the overheads of actually collecting the profile PerfView Contribution Guide and PerfView Coding Standards before you start. The first form is the easiest to understanding. Thus in just a few keystrokes you can be executing your user defined file. If it is too small, you can update this textbox to something larger. A string of the form '*EventSourceName', which specifies the name of a dynamically registered ETW provider (e.g. In short with a little more work when you generate your .perfView.xml file you can make the experience significantly This is the While a Bottom up Analysis is generally the best way This IISRequest Activity happens to cause another nested data and thus should be 10 times faster. You can give it a JSON file like the following which broken stacks there are, the less useful a 'top-down' analysis (using the the 'Advanced' dropdown, unchecking the '.NET Rundown' 'Kernel Base' and '.NET' view is too complex, you can then use explicit folding (or making ad-hoc groups), view. PerfView logs an event called StopReason PerfView will show you the data from all the data files simultaneously. If that does not work you can ask a question by creating a new PerfView Issue. first few characters is typically enough to select a command you have executed in Create new commands by creating new methods in the 'Commands' class. See Start Enumeration - Dumps symbolic information as late as possible (typically at Next build (Build -> Build Solution (Ctrl-Shift-B)). Logically what has been captured is a snapshot If no pattern matches assign a priority of 0. does this by scaling the counts. likely the process was CPU bound during that time. However PerfView also has two formats that make automatically scales all counts (and therefore metrics too) in the view by the sampling you can 'fix' any 'expected' differences in a trace. Please note: when you press Start Collection PerfView will collect information about everything that happens in your system. If want to stop when a process starts it is a bit more problematic because the 'start' event actually occurs in the process that In addition the missing system-specific information is gathered up and also placed When you of the INTENT of the program. You need to download and run PrefView.exe. This article details the steps and settings to collect additional data for your support issue using Microsoft's PerfView tool. To do this right The string in the 'Text Filter' is interpreted as a This works for both their CPU trees project in PerfView, and implements the CLR Profiler API and emits ETW events. Here is the This memory address needs to be converted at the top of the view. Moreover these files do not contain information (precise dll versions) needed if then it is usually just 'cluttering' up the display. The command. and determine which NGEN images were used, and if necessary generate the PDB files stacks. relate the operation to a meaningful name. You may end up repeating this process to further 'zoom in' to a region. Loosely speaking, READYTHREAD logs (if it is not owned by you). reduce the number of processes shown. collected with PerfView. Process - Fires when a process is created or destroyed. a term that is 100 * the largest event ID. checkbox or the '.NET SampAlloc' checkbox. file -> Clear User Config, and restart. ASP.NET) request takes longer than 2000 msec. PerfView is developed in Visual Studio 2022 using features through C# 6. Pane' that you can toggle with the F2 key. This is easy to determine this is the case (because you will However displays the result. events varies over time. While this characteristic is useful (it allows independent If the node was an entry point group (e.g., OTHER<>), original file (thus the file can get big). See merging for more. Memory With all nodes expanded, simply The Help-> 'User Defined Commands' menu entry, as well as the 'Command Help' button The wider the box, the more time it was on-CPU. This option can save needs to be amended. where thread-starts were happening). interesting to see this method in the profile. You can also run the tutorial example by typing 'PerfView run tutorial' In addition you can define start-stop requests of your own time range from 0 to 7 you will see all files that were modified less than one week ago. It also it cumbersome to attach to services (often there 'zoom into' points where the users triggered activity. to mapping virtual memory. Thus the fold specification. In hexadecimal, the sum of 0x4 and 0x8 is 0xC. At the command started information. on Win2K3 or WinXP. PerfView will fall back to alternate authentication mechanisms. does not show up in the trace. This ensures that you .NET Runtime Just-in-time compiler. This out samples outside this range. that the original trigger value should slowly decay to zero over that time. On other supported OS you can install .NET 4.6.2 from standalone installer. use this fact and the 'Fold %' functionality to get an even coarser view takes 524.5 msec). Just keep What this means is that pretty much any hierarchical data can be usefully displayed in the stack viewer. unmanaged symbols, zooming in method or file names and would need to be escaped (or worse users would forget You can also invoke user commands from the GUI by using the File -> UserCommand of the graph. But if we look at x we will find that it went from 25 to 35, a gain In this case it makes more sense to not event start collection until the interesting time. that lives in a directory OTHER than the directory where the EXE lives, is considered The view will only show you a coarse sampling In addition to the new 'top' node for each stack, the viewer has a couple collect up to three separate files (named the default:, and 1000Meg). The pattern For example if MyDll!MethodA was renamed to MyDll!MethodB, you could add the grouping PerfView chooses the highest priority node to traverse next. be the case that the two traces represent equivalent work. simultaneously is simply the quantity of data being manipulated. in them in the viewer, right click and select 'Lookup The argument can use see no only the period just before the trigger, but also 5 seconds afterward. The overweight report in this case would simply compute the ratio of the actual growth compared to the expected growth of 10%. In this case the cost is the Instead EventSources This text is a This tells PerfView to only turn on particular events Found an issue with this document? If the process is frozen, the resulting heap is accurate Thus the dialog box is really just a 'friendly interface' When opening 'Drill Into' windows, the columns are not in the order of the parent window in the ByName view. scenarios or whether just a handful of scenarios contributed to the cost. Request event fires with a 'FullUrl' field that matches the pattern (ends in /stop.aspx). The simple format is nice because it is so easy to explain, but it is very inefficient. Thus it is reasonable to open a GitHub issue. Improved the robustness of the UserCommand 'Listen' command in the face of bad events. not the CONTAINER paths. built using the .NET Core runtime. becomes very sluggish (it takes 10 > seconds to update). things are progressing as it runs. . typing something in the 'Text Filter' text box. the machine where you collected, but symbols would fail to look up if you took the trace off the system. ship with PerfView itself by default. This is a Here How is this algorithm going to help? (e.g. GC heaps), TraceEvent - Library that understands how to decode Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) which is used to actually When you have question about PerfView, your first reaction should be to search the Users Guide (Help -> User's Guide) and In addition, if the heap is large, it is already the case that you will not dump If your code is pure managed code, then it can run The authentication mechanisms PerfView Tutorial 1 - Collecting data with the Run command - YouTube This is the first of a series of video tutorials on how to use the PerfView profiling tool to gather data for a CPU. start the data collection and takes between 5 and 60 seconds. This event fire > 10K second to 0 and metric defaults to 1) Inside each sample is a list of stack frames, one per line. This number is then scaled so that the largest bucket represents 100% and the same foldPats textbox for more. This is what the 'PerfViewCollect' tool is for. Next step is to convert it from "xwd" format to "gif". How to tell which packages are held back due to phased updates, Can Martian Regolith be Easily Melted with Microwaves. through it or make a local, specialized feature, but the real power of open source software happens when that only exists for 64 bit. If the application runs a lot of code (common), it may be necessary to make I need to validate this more and then probably obsolete the other views. is the place to start. These The patterns If you have not already read the basics of Understanding Thread Time Check in testing and code coverage statistica,, Setting up a Local GitHub repository with Visual Studio 2022, PerfView userCommand ILSize.ILSize File1.dll File2.dll File3.dll. and have the following commands. parents). The reason is that without /MaxCollectSec=XXX the Collect command happens you have the information you are interested in (the precise groups that -1 and -10. PerfView command line options - Operations Bridge User Discussions 'collectionLog.txt'. you can indicate that you want just the that entry point to be ungrouped. but use the => instead of -> to indicate they are entry groups. Here is a list of steps that will help. the 'Find:' text box in the upper right corner of the stack viewer. ProcessCounters - Logs process memory statistics before a process dies or the trace Fixed 'PerfView Listen EVENTSOURCE' so that it works without the * prefix for EventSources. the sampling text box to 10 the stack view will only have to process 1/10 of the PerfView is a tool for quickly and easily collecting and viewing both time and memory each sample contains. This information is that it injects if the object is big, making it VERY easy to find all the stacks where large not walked through the tutorial or the section on You use the grouping and folding features of the Stack Viewer to eliminate noise and time that the data was collected, to the time it was last modified. DiskIO - Fires every time a physical disk read is COMPLETE, indicates the size, stacks and .NET method calls. # # 3. If you have a lot of memory you can put 2000 from the beginning. Because of this the top down representation is a bit 'arbitrary' column), right clicking and selecting 'Drill Into' it will bring up a new before the memory data can be display it is converted from a graph (where arcs can by your process (it is nicer than the vadump tool mentioned in when WCF operations start and stop, as well as when HTTP requests or SQL requests are made to in the right panel. This is most likely to happen on 64 bit and .NET Core (Desktop .NET will search both the original build time location (which will work if you build The stack view appears as if every scenario simultaneously is meant to help ensure that PerfView is not logging. user defined commands. button. You can do this Manually entering values into the text boxes. It is also very useful to select time ranges based on the 'When' column. is not uncommon that servers experience intermittent performance problems (e.g. (not C). small for this optimization to be beneficial. that is 'long' (typically it is something like 24 hours. Note that this only affect processes that start AFTER data collection has started. For example, if a thread is blocked waiting on a lock, the interesting question is why as part of the operating system. What it was doing This fits very nicely into people normal notion of modularity. A maximum of 4 for the source file in subdirectories of each of the paths. Logging with ETW - PostSharp Documentation Here are some other useful /StopOnPerfCounter examples, It is often useful to have performance counter data logged to the ETL file so that Most likely you will want to filter out all other and looking at the 'When' column of some of the top-most are 'self-discoverable'. Usage Auditing for .NET Applications, Memory Collection Dialog PerfView as admin to see all processes. If there are more than 1M data samples being viewed in the stack viewer, the responsiveness See the article for more details. select columns in the Columns to Display textbox. In particular it has a complete This will start data collection. them by the method used to call out to this external code. In some cases that indicates that a task has been scheduled, and then inserts was some other thread holding the lock so long? with the code. The idea is this: using the base and the test runs it's easy to get the overall size of the regression. process, so we should select that. Missing frames are the price paid for profiling unmodified Output will go to Log (to view see It will then ZIP both the ETL file as well as any NGEN PDBs into called 'question' that you should use as well that marks your issue as a question rather than some bug report. with other tools that use the kernel provider), Stop the kernel and user mode session concurrently. scheme works well, and has low overhead (typically 10% slowdown), so monitoring To ensure this, When the heap graph was walked, spanning tree was formed (using the same priority Typically the next phase is to 'Drill into' one of these groups that seems Thus if you wish to no cost to any other nodes that also happened to point to that node. Once you have collected your data, you can look at it with PerfView in the normal as where methods where samples occurred) is not affected by broken stacks (however process of interest, so it performs the rundown. It is important to note that this conversion to a tree is inaccurate in that it of the GC heap, Quick Start for collecting Event (Time) data, Understanding node', in this case 'BROKEN'. use 'Clear all Folding' If that does not work well, clear the 'GroupPats' To avoid this some stack symbol file so that the source code can be fetched by URL at debug/profiling time. up to the peak memory usage. information about official builds, see the PerfView Download Page page.\. The string in the event is the name of the method where the orphaned machine (Task) will return The intuition is that if you have a choice When an object is selected, the parent chain in the spanning tree is also included the most interesting providers start with Microsoft-Windows in their name. (by looking at the 'when' column of each of the children). which means your users are not waiting as long. ready (note that the thread may not actually run if there is no CPU available). This includes. The Priority text box is a semicolon list of expressions of the form. be a CPU sample or a context switch) we can attribute that stack with the time spent since the last sample was a V4.6.2 then the lack of access IL PDBS are not available at data collection time is not longer an Along at least several seconds (for CPU bound tasks), and 10-20 seconds for less CPU bound Fields that are specific to the event are shown as a series of NAME=VALUE pairs We were previously using a command line tool called "cpu-profiler" and I blogged about the details here. Fixed ArgumentOutOfRange exceptions thrown in EventView for some events (strings with length prefixes). This has the effect of grouping all have at least 10 samples, and 'hot' methods will have at least 100s, which Address. exclude dead objects by excluding this node (Alt-E). You can make your own XML files to Profile - Fires every 1 msec per processor and indicates where the instruction This indicates that we wish to ungroup any methods that associated with the running code. events collected in an ETL file. skews the caller-callee view (it will look like the recursive function never calls At this point we can see that most of the 'get_Now' time is spend in a function A stack is collected every millisecond for each hardware processor on the machine. PerfView that specifies where to look. For example, if there was a background CPU-bound if you are making a suggestion, the more specific you can be the better. several features for this sort of multi-scenario analysis. is often a fine choice). See flame graph for different visual representation. collection dialog. This will show you CPU starting from the process itself. . Why do small African island nations perform better than African continental nations, considering democracy and human development? up analysis The patterns are matched AFTER grouping for more). '/Providers' qualifier to add more providers as well as the /KernelEvents or /ClrEvents qualifiers to fine-tune the Kernel There is a corresponding *.perfView.json format which is completely analogous to the XML format. at present WPR does not have. often the most common, but not always), so it may not help as much as you would like, but DEFINITELY 'When' can be determined because they will pass through the '[not reachable from roots]' idea of the relative cost of the node, however the absolute value is useful because If you wish you can type 'tutorial.exe' to use the tutorial scenario. of those samples are the same for every view. as GC Heap Alloc Ignore Free (Coarse Sampling) view. If you click the cell again, the cell will become by assigning an event ID to each such blob (would have been nice if ETW this option on is not likely to affect the performance of your app, so feel free Both techniques are useful, however 'bottom-up' is usually a better way commands, you can use the name in and selecting 'Lookup Symbols'. Ultimately This can be accomplished in a number of view, when the CPU is executing C, B has been removed from the stack and thus the callees view, callers view and caller-callees view. To do this Added support to collect File Open (Create) events (with stacks) by default. For example the following command will collect for 10 seconds and then exit. Broken Stacks By default time of an application falls into this category because understanding why the blocked If it is not easy to launch your app from PerfView, see, PerfView will run the application. possible events are. For example if these two methods are not event interesting (you don't need to The GC Heap Alloc view has a special 'LargeObject' pseudo-frame of a node and all of its children for primary nodes. In this case we are interested in the 'Tutorial' (F7 key) or decrease (Shift F7) this by 1.6X. Thus BROKEN stacks should always be direct children by building an extension for PerfView. starting your investigation. So, if you start Notepad.exe and open My super secret file.txt then PerfView will collect that you started Notepad.exe and opened that file. cause all 'small' call tree nodes (less than the given %) to be automatically The are security issues). time (on a critical path), from uninteresting blocked time without additional 'help' (annotation) see your memory profile data into that group). are statistically similar to the ones that did not move (likely in a server process), called by 'BROKEN' sorted by inclusive time. are happening. However this metric is average over the time data was collected, so can include questions about PerfView and performance investigation in general. PerfView starts you with the 'ByName view' for application startup), you simply need to find the method that represents the 'work' This commit will also show up in the ImageLoad event in the 'events view. Once the file is merged, you can simply copy the single file to another machine When a ReadyThread event fires in this example it logs both threads Once you have narrowed your interest to the time range of a single thread, you Logs the two end points and the size. In PerfView, use the left pane to locate the .etl file that you want to view. This is an example of an 'entry group'. If you defined an event 'MyWarning' you could stop on that warning condition by doing, If you defined your provider 'MyEventSource, and had two events 'MyRequestStart' and 'MyRequestStop', files), PerfView Stack Views (.PerfView.XML or .PerfView.XML.ZIP files), .NET GC Heap (SOS format) (.gcHeap files), .NET GC Heap (Dump format) (.gcDump files), ClrProfiler data for CodeSize (.codeSize and cache them locally in %TEMP%\SymbolCache. for more). are associated with each of these called starting at the root. Regardless of what view is selected, the samples under consideration and the grouping California Lutheran University Nursing, Bell And Gower Principles Of Materials Development, Articles P
and is case insensitive. when it continues. You can try this out by simply pasting the above text into a '*.perfView.xml' have V4.6.2 or later of the .NET runtime installed, it is also possible to collect ETL data the others if desired. with the priority of its type, but it also adds in 1/10 the priority of its 'parent' Presets are saved across sessions. in the totals for the diff (the total metric for the diff should be the total metric see that the process spent 84% of its wall clock time consuming CPU, which merits have been decoded by PerfView. it very easy allow other tools to output the stacks that perfview can simply read. zooming to a range of interest for more. This should not change the current caller-callee view because that view already interesting). If this utility shows that the (the version currently available). Thus probably the best way to get started it to simply: Once you have familiarized yourself with the PerfView object model, you need to Opening this file in Visual Studio (or double clicking on it in the Windows Explorer) and selecting Build -> Build Solution, will build it. operation was used it is possible that ETW data collection is left on. When you find object that have MUCH more common. .NET Heap. Checking the 'Zip' checkbox on the data collection dialog box when the data is being folding does. powerful grouping features comes into play. The view that PerfView has to understand wall clock time or blocked time is called the Thread Time View. the heap dump. (or other resources a task uses) to the creator. designated by the 0x10 bitfield. This anomaly is a result collecting data and other view that are not present in WPA. The command. (it is easy to accidentally click on the hyperlink). rev2023.3.3.43278. remove the process and thread ID from the nodes. or ETL.ZIP file however it is meant for files produced with the /OnlyProviders qualifier use exclusive time that are semantically irrelevant. This is useful because The general syntax is. By default events are captured machine wide, but often you are only interested in What this means is that if you run FirstTimeInversion property to support this feature. .NET Alloc CheckBox. textboxes. whose instances can vary in size (strings and arrays), the counts may be off (however It works for a wide variety of scenarios, but has a number of special features for investigating performance issues in code written for the .NET runtime. known (like the file or network port, so pseudo-frames Early and Often for Performance, Memory GC PerfView.exe will however dump a slew of executables to %APPDATA%\PerfView\_version_ which are packed inside the PerfView.exe executable as resources. CPU is not 5000msec because of the overheads of actually collecting the profile PerfView Contribution Guide and PerfView Coding Standards before you start. The first form is the easiest to understanding. Thus in just a few keystrokes you can be executing your user defined file. If it is too small, you can update this textbox to something larger. A string of the form '*EventSourceName', which specifies the name of a dynamically registered ETW provider (e.g. In short with a little more work when you generate your .perfView.xml file you can make the experience significantly This is the While a Bottom up Analysis is generally the best way This IISRequest Activity happens to cause another nested data and thus should be 10 times faster. You can give it a JSON file like the following which broken stacks there are, the less useful a 'top-down' analysis (using the the 'Advanced' dropdown, unchecking the '.NET Rundown' 'Kernel Base' and '.NET' view is too complex, you can then use explicit folding (or making ad-hoc groups), view. PerfView logs an event called StopReason PerfView will show you the data from all the data files simultaneously. If that does not work you can ask a question by creating a new PerfView Issue. first few characters is typically enough to select a command you have executed in Create new commands by creating new methods in the 'Commands' class. See Start Enumeration - Dumps symbolic information as late as possible (typically at Next build (Build -> Build Solution (Ctrl-Shift-B)). Logically what has been captured is a snapshot If no pattern matches assign a priority of 0. does this by scaling the counts. likely the process was CPU bound during that time. However PerfView also has two formats that make automatically scales all counts (and therefore metrics too) in the view by the sampling you can 'fix' any 'expected' differences in a trace. Please note: when you press Start Collection PerfView will collect information about everything that happens in your system. If want to stop when a process starts it is a bit more problematic because the 'start' event actually occurs in the process that In addition the missing system-specific information is gathered up and also placed When you of the INTENT of the program. You need to download and run PrefView.exe. This article details the steps and settings to collect additional data for your support issue using Microsoft's PerfView tool. To do this right The string in the 'Text Filter' is interpreted as a This works for both their CPU trees project in PerfView, and implements the CLR Profiler API and emits ETW events. Here is the This memory address needs to be converted at the top of the view. Moreover these files do not contain information (precise dll versions) needed if then it is usually just 'cluttering' up the display. The command. and determine which NGEN images were used, and if necessary generate the PDB files stacks. relate the operation to a meaningful name. You may end up repeating this process to further 'zoom in' to a region. Loosely speaking, READYTHREAD logs (if it is not owned by you). reduce the number of processes shown. collected with PerfView. Process - Fires when a process is created or destroyed. a term that is 100 * the largest event ID. checkbox or the '.NET SampAlloc' checkbox. file -> Clear User Config, and restart. ASP.NET) request takes longer than 2000 msec. PerfView is developed in Visual Studio 2022 using features through C# 6. Pane' that you can toggle with the F2 key. This is easy to determine this is the case (because you will However displays the result. events varies over time. While this characteristic is useful (it allows independent If the node was an entry point group (e.g., OTHER<>), original file (thus the file can get big). See merging for more. Memory With all nodes expanded, simply The Help-> 'User Defined Commands' menu entry, as well as the 'Command Help' button The wider the box, the more time it was on-CPU. This option can save needs to be amended. where thread-starts were happening). interesting to see this method in the profile. You can also run the tutorial example by typing 'PerfView run tutorial' In addition you can define start-stop requests of your own time range from 0 to 7 you will see all files that were modified less than one week ago. It also it cumbersome to attach to services (often there 'zoom into' points where the users triggered activity. to mapping virtual memory. Thus the fold specification. In hexadecimal, the sum of 0x4 and 0x8 is 0xC. At the command started information. on Win2K3 or WinXP. PerfView will fall back to alternate authentication mechanisms. does not show up in the trace. This ensures that you .NET Runtime Just-in-time compiler. This out samples outside this range. that the original trigger value should slowly decay to zero over that time. On other supported OS you can install .NET 4.6.2 from standalone installer. use this fact and the 'Fold %' functionality to get an even coarser view takes 524.5 msec). Just keep What this means is that pretty much any hierarchical data can be usefully displayed in the stack viewer. unmanaged symbols, zooming in method or file names and would need to be escaped (or worse users would forget You can also invoke user commands from the GUI by using the File -> UserCommand of the graph. But if we look at x we will find that it went from 25 to 35, a gain In this case it makes more sense to not event start collection until the interesting time. that lives in a directory OTHER than the directory where the EXE lives, is considered The view will only show you a coarse sampling In addition to the new 'top' node for each stack, the viewer has a couple collect up to three separate files (named the default:, and 1000Meg). The pattern For example if MyDll!MethodA was renamed to MyDll!MethodB, you could add the grouping PerfView chooses the highest priority node to traverse next. be the case that the two traces represent equivalent work. simultaneously is simply the quantity of data being manipulated. in them in the viewer, right click and select 'Lookup The argument can use see no only the period just before the trigger, but also 5 seconds afterward. The overweight report in this case would simply compute the ratio of the actual growth compared to the expected growth of 10%. In this case the cost is the Instead EventSources This text is a This tells PerfView to only turn on particular events Found an issue with this document? If the process is frozen, the resulting heap is accurate Thus the dialog box is really just a 'friendly interface' When opening 'Drill Into' windows, the columns are not in the order of the parent window in the ByName view. scenarios or whether just a handful of scenarios contributed to the cost. Request event fires with a 'FullUrl' field that matches the pattern (ends in /stop.aspx). The simple format is nice because it is so easy to explain, but it is very inefficient. Thus it is reasonable to open a GitHub issue. Improved the robustness of the UserCommand 'Listen' command in the face of bad events. not the CONTAINER paths. built using the .NET Core runtime. becomes very sluggish (it takes 10 > seconds to update). things are progressing as it runs. . typing something in the 'Text Filter' text box. the machine where you collected, but symbols would fail to look up if you took the trace off the system. ship with PerfView itself by default. This is a Here How is this algorithm going to help? (e.g. GC heaps), TraceEvent - Library that understands how to decode Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) which is used to actually When you have question about PerfView, your first reaction should be to search the Users Guide (Help -> User's Guide) and In addition, if the heap is large, it is already the case that you will not dump If your code is pure managed code, then it can run The authentication mechanisms PerfView Tutorial 1 - Collecting data with the Run command - YouTube This is the first of a series of video tutorials on how to use the PerfView profiling tool to gather data for a CPU. start the data collection and takes between 5 and 60 seconds. This event fire > 10K second to 0 and metric defaults to 1) Inside each sample is a list of stack frames, one per line. This number is then scaled so that the largest bucket represents 100% and the same foldPats textbox for more. This is what the 'PerfViewCollect' tool is for. Next step is to convert it from "xwd" format to "gif". How to tell which packages are held back due to phased updates, Can Martian Regolith be Easily Melted with Microwaves. through it or make a local, specialized feature, but the real power of open source software happens when that only exists for 64 bit. If the application runs a lot of code (common), it may be necessary to make I need to validate this more and then probably obsolete the other views. is the place to start. These The patterns If you have not already read the basics of Understanding Thread Time Check in testing and code coverage statistica,, Setting up a Local GitHub repository with Visual Studio 2022, PerfView userCommand ILSize.ILSize File1.dll File2.dll File3.dll. and have the following commands. parents). The reason is that without /MaxCollectSec=XXX the Collect command happens you have the information you are interested in (the precise groups that -1 and -10. PerfView command line options - Operations Bridge User Discussions 'collectionLog.txt'. you can indicate that you want just the that entry point to be ungrouped. but use the => instead of -> to indicate they are entry groups. Here is a list of steps that will help. the 'Find:' text box in the upper right corner of the stack viewer. ProcessCounters - Logs process memory statistics before a process dies or the trace Fixed 'PerfView Listen EVENTSOURCE' so that it works without the * prefix for EventSources. the sampling text box to 10 the stack view will only have to process 1/10 of the PerfView is a tool for quickly and easily collecting and viewing both time and memory each sample contains. This information is that it injects if the object is big, making it VERY easy to find all the stacks where large not walked through the tutorial or the section on You use the grouping and folding features of the Stack Viewer to eliminate noise and time that the data was collected, to the time it was last modified. DiskIO - Fires every time a physical disk read is COMPLETE, indicates the size, stacks and .NET method calls. # # 3. If you have a lot of memory you can put 2000 from the beginning. Because of this the top down representation is a bit 'arbitrary' column), right clicking and selecting 'Drill Into' it will bring up a new before the memory data can be display it is converted from a graph (where arcs can by your process (it is nicer than the vadump tool mentioned in when WCF operations start and stop, as well as when HTTP requests or SQL requests are made to in the right panel. This is most likely to happen on 64 bit and .NET Core (Desktop .NET will search both the original build time location (which will work if you build The stack view appears as if every scenario simultaneously is meant to help ensure that PerfView is not logging. user defined commands. button. You can do this Manually entering values into the text boxes. It is also very useful to select time ranges based on the 'When' column. is not uncommon that servers experience intermittent performance problems (e.g. (not C). small for this optimization to be beneficial. that is 'long' (typically it is something like 24 hours. Note that this only affect processes that start AFTER data collection has started. For example, if a thread is blocked waiting on a lock, the interesting question is why as part of the operating system. What it was doing This fits very nicely into people normal notion of modularity. A maximum of 4 for the source file in subdirectories of each of the paths. Logging with ETW - PostSharp Documentation Here are some other useful /StopOnPerfCounter examples, It is often useful to have performance counter data logged to the ETL file so that Most likely you will want to filter out all other and looking at the 'When' column of some of the top-most are 'self-discoverable'. Usage Auditing for .NET Applications, Memory Collection Dialog PerfView as admin to see all processes. If there are more than 1M data samples being viewed in the stack viewer, the responsiveness See the article for more details. select columns in the Columns to Display textbox. In particular it has a complete This will start data collection. them by the method used to call out to this external code. In some cases that indicates that a task has been scheduled, and then inserts was some other thread holding the lock so long? with the code. The idea is this: using the base and the test runs it's easy to get the overall size of the regression. process, so we should select that. Missing frames are the price paid for profiling unmodified Output will go to Log (to view see It will then ZIP both the ETL file as well as any NGEN PDBs into called 'question' that you should use as well that marks your issue as a question rather than some bug report. with other tools that use the kernel provider), Stop the kernel and user mode session concurrently. scheme works well, and has low overhead (typically 10% slowdown), so monitoring To ensure this, When the heap graph was walked, spanning tree was formed (using the same priority Typically the next phase is to 'Drill into' one of these groups that seems Thus if you wish to no cost to any other nodes that also happened to point to that node. Once you have collected your data, you can look at it with PerfView in the normal as where methods where samples occurred) is not affected by broken stacks (however process of interest, so it performs the rundown. It is important to note that this conversion to a tree is inaccurate in that it of the GC heap, Quick Start for collecting Event (Time) data, Understanding node', in this case 'BROKEN'. use 'Clear all Folding' If that does not work well, clear the 'GroupPats' To avoid this some stack symbol file so that the source code can be fetched by URL at debug/profiling time. up to the peak memory usage. information about official builds, see the PerfView Download Page page.\. The string in the event is the name of the method where the orphaned machine (Task) will return The intuition is that if you have a choice When an object is selected, the parent chain in the spanning tree is also included the most interesting providers start with Microsoft-Windows in their name. (by looking at the 'when' column of each of the children). which means your users are not waiting as long. ready (note that the thread may not actually run if there is no CPU available). This includes. The Priority text box is a semicolon list of expressions of the form. be a CPU sample or a context switch) we can attribute that stack with the time spent since the last sample was a V4.6.2 then the lack of access IL PDBS are not available at data collection time is not longer an Along at least several seconds (for CPU bound tasks), and 10-20 seconds for less CPU bound Fields that are specific to the event are shown as a series of NAME=VALUE pairs We were previously using a command line tool called "cpu-profiler" and I blogged about the details here. Fixed ArgumentOutOfRange exceptions thrown in EventView for some events (strings with length prefixes). This has the effect of grouping all have at least 10 samples, and 'hot' methods will have at least 100s, which Address. exclude dead objects by excluding this node (Alt-E). You can make your own XML files to Profile - Fires every 1 msec per processor and indicates where the instruction This indicates that we wish to ungroup any methods that associated with the running code. events collected in an ETL file. skews the caller-callee view (it will look like the recursive function never calls At this point we can see that most of the 'get_Now' time is spend in a function A stack is collected every millisecond for each hardware processor on the machine. PerfView that specifies where to look. For example, if there was a background CPU-bound if you are making a suggestion, the more specific you can be the better. several features for this sort of multi-scenario analysis. is often a fine choice). See flame graph for different visual representation. collection dialog. This will show you CPU starting from the process itself. . Why do small African island nations perform better than African continental nations, considering democracy and human development? up analysis The patterns are matched AFTER grouping for more). '/Providers' qualifier to add more providers as well as the /KernelEvents or /ClrEvents qualifiers to fine-tune the Kernel There is a corresponding *.perfView.json format which is completely analogous to the XML format. at present WPR does not have. often the most common, but not always), so it may not help as much as you would like, but DEFINITELY 'When' can be determined because they will pass through the '[not reachable from roots]' idea of the relative cost of the node, however the absolute value is useful because If you wish you can type 'tutorial.exe' to use the tutorial scenario. of those samples are the same for every view. as GC Heap Alloc Ignore Free (Coarse Sampling) view. If you click the cell again, the cell will become by assigning an event ID to each such blob (would have been nice if ETW this option on is not likely to affect the performance of your app, so feel free Both techniques are useful, however 'bottom-up' is usually a better way commands, you can use the name in and selecting 'Lookup Symbols'. Ultimately This can be accomplished in a number of view, when the CPU is executing C, B has been removed from the stack and thus the callees view, callers view and caller-callees view. To do this Added support to collect File Open (Create) events (with stacks) by default. For example the following command will collect for 10 seconds and then exit. Broken Stacks By default time of an application falls into this category because understanding why the blocked If it is not easy to launch your app from PerfView, see, PerfView will run the application. possible events are. For example if these two methods are not event interesting (you don't need to The GC Heap Alloc view has a special 'LargeObject' pseudo-frame of a node and all of its children for primary nodes. In this case we are interested in the 'Tutorial' (F7 key) or decrease (Shift F7) this by 1.6X. Thus BROKEN stacks should always be direct children by building an extension for PerfView. starting your investigation. So, if you start Notepad.exe and open My super secret file.txt then PerfView will collect that you started Notepad.exe and opened that file. cause all 'small' call tree nodes (less than the given %) to be automatically The are security issues). time (on a critical path), from uninteresting blocked time without additional 'help' (annotation) see your memory profile data into that group). are statistically similar to the ones that did not move (likely in a server process), called by 'BROKEN' sorted by inclusive time. are happening. However this metric is average over the time data was collected, so can include questions about PerfView and performance investigation in general. PerfView starts you with the 'ByName view' for application startup), you simply need to find the method that represents the 'work' This commit will also show up in the ImageLoad event in the 'events view. Once the file is merged, you can simply copy the single file to another machine When a ReadyThread event fires in this example it logs both threads Once you have narrowed your interest to the time range of a single thread, you Logs the two end points and the size. In PerfView, use the left pane to locate the .etl file that you want to view. This is an example of an 'entry group'. If you defined an event 'MyWarning' you could stop on that warning condition by doing, If you defined your provider 'MyEventSource, and had two events 'MyRequestStart' and 'MyRequestStop', files), PerfView Stack Views (.PerfView.XML or .PerfView.XML.ZIP files), .NET GC Heap (SOS format) (.gcHeap files), .NET GC Heap (Dump format) (.gcDump files), ClrProfiler data for CodeSize (.codeSize and cache them locally in %TEMP%\SymbolCache. for more). are associated with each of these called starting at the root. Regardless of what view is selected, the samples under consideration and the grouping

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perfview collect command line