@e+"]"); set .@am,getd(".weap_"+.@bclass+"["+(. @s+1]; // ====== Battle Royale Arena Settings ======, // > [5] = Randomized Battle Type: 0 = Random, 1 = Solo, 2 = Duo, 4 = Squad. @atcmd_parameters$[0],"Prontera") == 1), else if(compare(. @a + 1), if(.Arena_Event && getgroupid() < .Arena_Access && !. @l]; setarray BR_EQ_EXP[.@s],@inventorylist_expire[. @BR_ID),rand( (getd(".area_"+.@BR_ID+"[0]")+getd(".last_zone_size_"+.@BR_ID)),(getd(".area_"+.@BR_ID+"[2]")-getd(".last_zone_size_"+. @y1 <= (getd(".area_"+. Roblox Island . @p,0; . @rmax2); deletearray .@rpar2,getarraysize(. | 13.16 KB, JSON | | 12.91 KB, GetText | @l]; setarray BR_EQ_C3[.@s],@inventorylist_card3[. | 0.24 KB, JSON | @BR_ID < 10)?"0"+.@BR_ID:. @rpar3); debugmes "rand4 - "+getarraysize(. @p]) == 1). @id == @BR_ID), if(getd("$@BR_Status_"+. @BR_ID); set .@x2,getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+(. @i] != 0) {. ",bc_self; set . 8 min ago @atcmd_parameters$[0],"Geffen") == 1), else if(compare(. "; mes "How much Zeny would you like to claim? @id) < $@BR_RegTimer), else if(getarraysize(getd("$@BR_RegQ"+. @i+4]); mes " > Last Zone Size: "+getvariableofnpc(getd(".last_zone_size_"+. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. @BR_ID)); announce .n$+": Well done! @cards[0],4236,4290,4160,4319,4417,4107; // Alligator, Gazeti, GC109, Greatest General, Ifrit, Mantis. @e+3)+"]")) // If refine is enabled, randomize it. 35 min ago @z+"]") - getd(".zone_move_"+. //= A script that lets a player claim an item for donating. @type >= 2 && getcharid(1) == 0) {. @i]; setarray .@opt_p3[.@c],@inventorylist_option_parameter3[. Script Link: https://venuslockscript.com/ Game Link: https://venuslockscript.com/hunterxRoblox GameScript Free DownloadRoblox cheats free downloadRoblox free scriptRoblox Games==================================================================== Earn $30/PER 1000/clicks: https://venuslockscript.com/linkvertiseGet more subscribers and watch time, and grow your YouTube channel with these tools.Link: https://www.tubebuddy.com/salmasbuddyGet a big discount with my code.CODE: salmasbuddyVisit My Website: https://venuslockscript.com/ How to download: https://youtu.be/ik3jIj59-Qc About The Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/venuslock/discussion Free CODES and Items: https://youtu.be/nqEMmxqQCCc Thank you for visiting my channel. Get Roblox LUA Scripting Full Course Free: https://pastebin.com/KsUifkn3Actually, the course has a fee to see here, https://gum.co/kibiI. "Moscovia","2","20","50",""+.m_level,"1". "; mes "I'm sorry, but you can't register currently for the chosen Arena, since it's still in progress. Added logmes for GM operations. @e < getarraysize(. @l],2) != 10) continue; // Ignoring ETC Items, except Ammo, // Ignoring Character/Account Bounded Items. @o <= . "; switch(select("- Register for Battle Royale:- Battle Royale Shop:- Information:- Equipment Settings:- Nevermind")) {, if(getvariableofnpc(.BR_StartWeapon,"BR_Init") == 1 && !BR_WeaponType) {. @atcmd_parameters$[0],"8") == 1 || compare(. @enchant3); debugmes ". set . set .Arena_Status[atoi(charat(strnpcinfo(2),3))],1; set .ZoneRefresh,100; // Timer in milliseconds to refresh the zone. // > .rew_base = Minimum (Base) Points of Reward. It's a tool to allow users who cannot afford to purchase stuff in game, to get the same chance as everyone to have fun which otherwise would cost alot. @atcmd_parameters$[0],"Veins") == 1), else if(compare(. @atcmd_parameters$[0],"7") == 1 || compare(. @BR_ID+"[0]"),44,89,143,262; setarray getd(".area_"+. @rpar3); if(strnpcinfo(2) != "BR_TestBox") // Preventing the disabling of the Test Box, // * Randomize the Max Amount of Items based on .heal_limit/.equip_limit, // > 1 = Yes, limit the amount of the dropped items, // Note: 1 Heal/Buff Item = 3 Values! @i] != 0) {. "; query_sql "UPDATE `donate` SET `amount` = `amount` - "+@deduct$+" WHERE `account_id` = "+@aid; query_sql "SELECT `amount` FROM `donate` WHERE `account_id` = "+@aid, @afterdeduct$; logmes "Deducted "+@deduct$+" from "+@donator$; mes @donator$+" has donated a total of $"+@afterdeduct$; mes "You have specified to remove "+@donator$+" from the donation database. @p + 1), if(isloggedin(.@pty_aid[.@p],.@pty_cid[. set .@or,rand(.equip[.@e+13],.equip[. @t+2)+"] = "+getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+(. @a_menu$ + "- "+.arena$[. //= 3.6 - Removed name column in donate_item_db. @BR_ID)+3)+"]"))/2); // Border#1+3, set .@m2,getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+getd(".z_"+.@BR_ID)+"]")+(distance(getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+getd(".z_"+.@BR_ID)+"]"),getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+(getd(".z_"+.@BR_ID)+1)+"]"),getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+(getd(".z_"+.@BR_ID)+2)+"]"),getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+(getd(".z_"+. @c < getarraysize(getd("$@BR_RegQ"+. @o + 1) {. If you want to play Athena Royale for yourself, it's completely free within Fortnite Creative mode. 8 min ago @BR_ID+"[0]"),44,26,267,365; setarray getd(".area_"+. "; mes "Please enter the amount donated by "+@donator$; if(@version) query_sql "SELECT CAST('"+escape_sql(@donating$)+"' AS DECIMAL)", @donating$; query_sql "SELECT '"+escape_sql(@donating$)+"' > 0", @valid; mes "You have specified that "+@donator$+" has donated $"+@donating$+". @s + 2). Pastebin.com is the number one paste tool since 2002. Claim menu now. This is work in progress and subject to change. @es + 1) {, if(!getd(".@c"+. movenpc "Chest#BR"+.@BR_ID+"_"+.@s,.@x,. @BR_ID); set .@y1,getvariableofnpc(getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+(.@z+1)+"]"),"BR_Arena#"+. setarray . Added, //= 3.7 - Added Zeny support. @atcmd_parameters$[0],"Malaya") == 1), else if(compare(. Like making 20 different multipliers. @BR_ID+"[0]"),66,81,362,274; setarray getd(".area_"+. @BR_ID))), if(!. 36 min ago 7 min ago Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. @BR_ID+"[0]"),47,75,283,310; setarray getd(".area_"+. todo-related-topics-no-data "; mes "On the battlefield you can find equipment in Lootboxes, which are hidden. @r,(getarg(0)/getarg(1) > 0)?getarg(0)/getarg(1):getarg(1); // Defines the reward of the last place if its above 10 or the actual rank for the .rew_place variable. setarray .@opt_id2[.@c],@inventorylist_option_id2[. @d+"]"),1; enablenpc "#BR"+( (. "; menu "Headgears",L_headgears,"Weapons",L_weapons,"Cards",L_cards,"Zeny",L_ZENY; query_sql "SELECT "+@value$+" / "+@price$, @max; mes getitemname(@name[@m])+"s cost $"+@price$+" each. mes "It seems like there are either too many or too less members in your party. @rand3)+", "+getarraysize(. @z < getarraysize(getd(".zone_"+. @BR_ID); set .Arena_Status[atoi(charat(strnpcinfo(2),3))],0; // Border #1: x1/y1 to x1/y2 ( South West to North West ), // Border #2: x1/y1 to x2/y1 ( South West to South East ), // Border #3: x2/y1 to x2/y2 ( South East to North East ), // Border #4: x1/y2 to x2/y2 ( North West to North East ), set . @BR_ID+"[0]"),33,53,257,220; setarray getd(".area_"+. mes "The Battle Royale Arena was not started yet. ",bc_self; // Battle Royale NPC Shop (7720 = Price Item ID), - itemshop BR_Shop HIDDEN_NPC,7720,512:-1. @pty_ct; set .@a,. @BR_ID)); set .@w,. @BR_ID+"[0]"),137,47,267,209; setarray getd(".area_"+. @BR_ID),cell_chkpass) == 0 || checkcell(strnpcinfo(4),getd(".@zone_c_x_"+. @e,0; . So Index*3, setarray .heal[0], 547,10,50, // Condensed White Potion, // Define the max healing/buff items available, // Max Heal Items per Loot Box (Default: 2), // > Novice = 0, Swordman = 1, Magician = 2, Archer = 3, Acolyte = 4, Merchant = 5, Thief = 6, Gunslinger = 24, Ninja = 25. @p + 1), // Get the index of the party member which died, if(getd(".BR_PTY_"+getcharid(1)+"["+. // > [3] = Refine > 1= Yes/0= No (Refine Amount is Random), // > [6] = Cards > 1= Yes/0= No (Card Amount is Random), // > [11] = Random Enchantments > 1= Yes/0= No, // > [12] = Random Options > 1= Yes/0= No (Random), // Note: 1 Equip = 15 Values! You Asked I Delivered.. Bugxie Providing you the best virus-free Roblox Exploit Videos!JOIN OUR DISCORD:https://discord.me/bugxie Script : https:. setarray . By continuing to use Pastebin, you agree to our use of cookies as described in the. @p*6-4]); waitingroom .arena$[. @atcmd_parameters$[0],"17") == 1 || compare(. @id+"::OnRegisterTimer"; } else if(getd("$@BR_Status_"+. @s < getarraysize(.br_shop); set .@s,. Updated 2021 script for Arsenal, fixed bugs in the ESP, optimized launch, and reloading. // Note: There is a global config, except .arena_ and .area, at the end of these lines. makeitem .heal[.@h],.heal[.@h+1],.@map$,rand((.@x-.@m),(.@x+.@m)),rand((.@y-.@m),(.@y+. Arsenal Aimbot GUI - Scripts - Roblox "; switch(prompt("- Novice:- Swordsman:- Mage:- Archer:- Acolyte:- Merchant:- Thief:- Ninja:- Gunslinger:- Taekwon:- Summoner")) {. TWEET. // > .loot_box = How many loot boxes are available? @l+"]"); setarray .@OptParam[getarraysize(.@OptParam)],getd("@inventorylist_option_parameter"+.@o+"["+. Island Royale | ESP, SILENT AIM + MORE | OP AF. @atcmd_parameters$[0],"Lasagna") == 1), else if(compare(. @BR_ID)-1)+"]"),cell_landprotector,0; setd(".z_"+.@BR_ID),getd(".z_"+. @id+"[0]"),getcharid(0); for ( set . @rmin1)+", "+getarraysize(. "; query_sql "UPDATE `donate` SET `claimed` = `claimed` + "+@total$+" WHERE `account_id` = "+getcharid(3); logmes "Claimed "+@quantity+" "+getitemname(@name[@m])+"s"; mes "Thankyou for donating! @i]; setarray .@opt_p5[.@c],@inventorylist_option_parameter5[. @q+"]")))); deletearray getd("$@BR_RegQ"+.@t+"[0]"),getarraysize(getd("$@BR_RegQ"+. Blox Fruits OP SCRIPT: Sep 25th, 2021 : Never: 275: 0: None - Free Roblox Script Anime Artifacts Simulator - Auto Collect Coins: Sep 24th, 2021 : . Roblox Island Royale Silent Aim Script 2022 - Working GUI - YouTube Each item has a, //= price rather than a quantity. 2 min ago @BR_ID)) == 1) {. mes "I'm sorry, but you need to create a party first. @i]; setarray .@opt_ct[.@c],.@opt_ct[. It gives you the possibility to fly, teleport, get unlimited cash and unlock all the special attributes. aimbot.MouseButton1Down:connect (function () -- Alrighty, so this is a script that A1 and I (Atlantic) created, this has 2 features. deletearray getd(".BR_PTY_Total_"+.@BR_ID+"["+. This video is not hacking-related as I'm trying to show them an exploit/glitch for the game.Also, I do not infringe any kind of copyright, everything I use in my videos are self made. @i + 1) {, if(getiteminfo(@inventorylist_id[. @max_l; mes "I'm sorry, but you need to leave your party first. @e])); else // max slots the equipment has available, if(.equip[. ",bc_blue|bc_self; } else if(getarg(0) == 3 && getarraysize(BR_EQ_ID) != 0), for ( set . The latest ROBLOX exploits provides maximum security so that you can fly around and gain unlimited cash and experienece while banning other ROBLOX users as well as to chat unrestricted without the feeling of being watched and getting banned. //= "log_npc" in log_athena.conf must be enabled. Customise your Royale Athena 2021 however you want, the way you want @BR_ID)*1000); // Timer until the next Zone will be revealed, set .@m1,getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+(getd(".z_"+.@BR_ID)+1)+"]")+(distance(getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+getd(".z_"+.@BR_ID)+"]"),getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+(getd(".z_"+.@BR_ID)+1)+"]"),getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+getd(".z_"+.@BR_ID)+"]"),getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+(getd(".z_"+. @i],2) == 3 || getiteminfo(@inventorylist_id[. @l]; setarray BR_EQ_ATT[.@s],@inventorylist_attribute[. So, what are you waiting for?Note to YouTube:This video does NOT infringe and violate any policies such as spam, deceptive practices and scams. //= Thanks to Toms for implementing the new multi-column, rachel,137,146,5 script Donation Girl 714,{, "SELECT `account_id` FROM `login` WHERE `userid` = '", "SELECT `amount` FROM `donate` WHERE `account_id` = ", "SELECT `userid` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id` = ", "The value of $1 successfully changed to ", "SELECT `id` FROM `donate_headgear_db` WHERE `price` <= ", "SELECT `price` FROM `donate_headgear_db` WHERE `id` = ", "SELECT `id` FROM `donate_card_db` WHERE `price` <= ", "SELECT `price` FROM `donate_card_db` WHERE `id` = ", "SELECT `id` FROM `donate_weapon_db` WHERE `price` <= ", "SELECT `price` FROM `donate_weapon_db` WHERE `id` = ". @rmin3); deletearray .@rmax3,getarraysize(. And you can watch my Youtube Video for a detailled Review! Fortnite Athena Royale Is A Fan-Made Recreation Of The - GameSpot @enchant2); debugmes ". @id)) < (.@rpl*. $rate must be set for it to be, //= used. @BR_ID))), if(!. @o))); setarray .@OptID[getarraysize(.@OptID)],getd(".@rand"+.@o+"["+. Good aimbot though I already use it a lot. @c) {. @enchant3[0], 4700,4701,4702,4703,4704,4705,4706,4707,4708,4709, // > AGI: 4730,4731,4732,4733,4734,4735,4736,4737,4738,4739. @OptParam; getitem2 .@id[.@e],1,1,.@ref[.@e],0,.@c1[.@e],.@c2[.@e],.@c3[.@e],.@c4[. @i,0; . @l+"]"); setarray getd("BR_EQ_OPT_PAR"+.@o+"["+.@s+"]"),getd("@inventorylist_option_parameter"+.@o+"["+. @calc,(getarg(0) + getarg(2))*getarg(1); dispbottom "[Battle Royale]: You have recieved "+. ",bc_blue|bc_self; // Will be called when getting warped to the battlefield, so it won't overwrite the saved equipment from BR_Inv, for ( set . Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. You will get it restored, either after the Match or by talking to the NPC. @i]; setarray .@opt_v5[.@c],@inventorylist_option_value5[. @BR_ID); set .@x2,getvariableofnpc(getd(".zone_"+.@BR_ID+"["+(.@z+2)+"]"),"BR_Arena#"+. @e]; prontera,147,170,4 script Battle Royale#BR_NPC 4_M_KNIGHT_GOLD,{. // Note: You can duplicate as much as you want, but edit the Chest#BR_ to match the number, // like Chest#BR1_11 for 11 Boxes in Arena 1, //prontera,156,177,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR_TestBox 4_STEELBOX // Testing Purposes, br_alberta,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR1_1 4_STEELBOX, br_alberta,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR1_2 4_STEELBOX, br_alberta,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR1_3 4_STEELBOX, br_alberta,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR1_4 4_STEELBOX, br_alberta,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR1_5 4_STEELBOX, br_alberta,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR1_6 4_STEELBOX, br_alberta,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR1_7 4_STEELBOX, br_alberta,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR1_8 4_STEELBOX, br_alberta,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR1_9 4_STEELBOX, br_alberta,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR1_10 4_STEELBOX, br_aldeb,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR2_1 4_STEELBOX, br_aldeb,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR2_2 4_STEELBOX, br_aldeb,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR2_3 4_STEELBOX, br_aldeb,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR2_4 4_STEELBOX, br_aldeb,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR2_5 4_STEELBOX, br_aldeb,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR2_6 4_STEELBOX, br_aldeb,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR2_7 4_STEELBOX, br_aldeb,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR2_8 4_STEELBOX, br_aldeb,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR2_9 4_STEELBOX, br_aldeb,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR2_10 4_STEELBOX, br_dewata,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR3_1 4_STEELBOX, br_dewata,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR3_2 4_STEELBOX, br_dewata,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR3_3 4_STEELBOX, br_dewata,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR3_4 4_STEELBOX, br_dewata,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR3_5 4_STEELBOX, br_dewata,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR3_6 4_STEELBOX, br_dewata,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR3_7 4_STEELBOX, br_dewata,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR3_8 4_STEELBOX, br_dewata,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR3_9 4_STEELBOX, br_dewata,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR3_10 4_STEELBOX, br_einbech,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR4_1 4_STEELBOX, br_einbech,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR4_2 4_STEELBOX, br_einbech,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR4_3 4_STEELBOX, br_einbech,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR4_4 4_STEELBOX, br_einbech,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR4_5 4_STEELBOX, br_einbech,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR4_6 4_STEELBOX, br_einbech,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR4_7 4_STEELBOX, br_einbech,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR4_8 4_STEELBOX, br_einbech,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR4_9 4_STEELBOX, br_einbech,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR4_10 4_STEELBOX, br_einbroch,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR5_1 4_STEELBOX, br_einbroch,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR5_2 4_STEELBOX, br_einbroch,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR5_3 4_STEELBOX, br_einbroch,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR5_4 4_STEELBOX, br_einbroch,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR5_5 4_STEELBOX, br_einbroch,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR5_6 4_STEELBOX, br_einbroch,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR5_7 4_STEELBOX, br_einbroch,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR5_8 4_STEELBOX, br_einbroch,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR5_9 4_STEELBOX, br_einbroch,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR5_10 4_STEELBOX, br_geffen,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR6_1 4_STEELBOX, br_geffen,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR6_2 4_STEELBOX, br_geffen,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR6_3 4_STEELBOX, br_geffen,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR6_4 4_STEELBOX, br_geffen,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR6_5 4_STEELBOX, br_geffen,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR6_6 4_STEELBOX, br_geffen,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR6_7 4_STEELBOX, br_geffen,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR6_8 4_STEELBOX, br_geffen,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR6_9 4_STEELBOX, br_geffen,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR6_10 4_STEELBOX, br_gonryun,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR7_1 4_STEELBOX, br_gonryun,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR7_2 4_STEELBOX, br_gonryun,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR7_3 4_STEELBOX, br_gonryun,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR7_4 4_STEELBOX, br_gonryun,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR7_5 4_STEELBOX, br_gonryun,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR7_6 4_STEELBOX, br_gonryun,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR7_7 4_STEELBOX, br_gonryun,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR7_8 4_STEELBOX, br_gonryun,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR7_9 4_STEELBOX, br_gonryun,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR7_10 4_STEELBOX, br_hugel,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR8_1 4_STEELBOX, br_hugel,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR8_2 4_STEELBOX, br_hugel,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR8_3 4_STEELBOX, br_hugel,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR8_4 4_STEELBOX, br_hugel,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR8_5 4_STEELBOX, br_hugel,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR8_6 4_STEELBOX, br_hugel,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR8_7 4_STEELBOX, br_hugel,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR8_8 4_STEELBOX, br_hugel,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR8_9 4_STEELBOX, br_hugel,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR8_10 4_STEELBOX, br_izlude,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR9_1 4_STEELBOX, br_izlude,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR9_2 4_STEELBOX, br_izlude,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR9_3 4_STEELBOX, br_izlude,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR9_4 4_STEELBOX, br_izlude,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR9_5 4_STEELBOX, br_izlude,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR9_6 4_STEELBOX, br_izlude,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR9_7 4_STEELBOX, br_izlude,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR9_8 4_STEELBOX, br_izlude,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR9_9 4_STEELBOX, br_izlude,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR9_10 4_STEELBOX, br_lasagna,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR10_1 4_STEELBOX, br_lasagna,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR10_2 4_STEELBOX, br_lasagna,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR10_3 4_STEELBOX, br_lasagna,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR10_4 4_STEELBOX, br_lasagna,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR10_5 4_STEELBOX, br_lasagna,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR10_6 4_STEELBOX, br_lasagna,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR10_7 4_STEELBOX, br_lasagna,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR10_8 4_STEELBOX, br_lasagna,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR10_9 4_STEELBOX, br_lasagna,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR10_10 4_STEELBOX, br_malaya,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR11_1 4_STEELBOX, br_malaya,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR11_2 4_STEELBOX, br_malaya,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR11_3 4_STEELBOX, br_malaya,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR11_4 4_STEELBOX, br_malaya,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR11_5 4_STEELBOX, br_malaya,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR11_6 4_STEELBOX, br_malaya,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR11_7 4_STEELBOX, br_malaya,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR11_8 4_STEELBOX, br_malaya,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR11_9 4_STEELBOX, br_malaya,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR11_10 4_STEELBOX, br_morocc,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR12_1 4_STEELBOX, br_morocc,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR12_2 4_STEELBOX, br_morocc,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR12_3 4_STEELBOX, br_morocc,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR12_4 4_STEELBOX, br_morocc,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR12_5 4_STEELBOX, br_morocc,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR12_6 4_STEELBOX, br_morocc,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR12_7 4_STEELBOX, br_morocc,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR12_8 4_STEELBOX, br_morocc,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR12_9 4_STEELBOX, br_morocc,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR12_10 4_STEELBOX, br_moscovia,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR13_1 4_STEELBOX, br_moscovia,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR13_2 4_STEELBOX, br_moscovia,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR13_3 4_STEELBOX, br_moscovia,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR13_4 4_STEELBOX, br_moscovia,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR13_5 4_STEELBOX, br_moscovia,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR13_6 4_STEELBOX, br_moscovia,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR13_7 4_STEELBOX, br_moscovia,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR13_8 4_STEELBOX, br_moscovia,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR13_9 4_STEELBOX, br_moscovia,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR13_10 4_STEELBOX, br_niflheim,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR14_1 4_STEELBOX, br_niflheim,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR14_2 4_STEELBOX, br_niflheim,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR14_3 4_STEELBOX, br_niflheim,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR14_4 4_STEELBOX, br_niflheim,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR14_5 4_STEELBOX, br_niflheim,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR14_6 4_STEELBOX, br_niflheim,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR14_7 4_STEELBOX, br_niflheim,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR14_8 4_STEELBOX, br_niflheim,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR14_9 4_STEELBOX, br_niflheim,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR14_10 4_STEELBOX, br_payon,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR15_1 4_STEELBOX, br_payon,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR15_2 4_STEELBOX, br_payon,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR15_3 4_STEELBOX, br_payon,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR15_4 4_STEELBOX, br_payon,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR15_5 4_STEELBOX, br_payon,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR15_6 4_STEELBOX, br_payon,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR15_7 4_STEELBOX, br_payon,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR15_8 4_STEELBOX, br_payon,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR15_9 4_STEELBOX, br_payon,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR15_10 4_STEELBOX, br_prontera,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR16_1 4_STEELBOX, br_prontera,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR16_2 4_STEELBOX, br_prontera,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR16_3 4_STEELBOX, br_prontera,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR16_4 4_STEELBOX, br_prontera,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR16_5 4_STEELBOX, br_prontera,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR16_6 4_STEELBOX, br_prontera,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR16_7 4_STEELBOX, br_prontera,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR16_8 4_STEELBOX, br_prontera,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR16_9 4_STEELBOX, br_prontera,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR16_10 4_STEELBOX, br_rachel,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR17_1 4_STEELBOX, br_rachel,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR17_2 4_STEELBOX, br_rachel,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR17_3 4_STEELBOX, br_rachel,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR17_4 4_STEELBOX, br_rachel,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR17_5 4_STEELBOX, br_rachel,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR17_6 4_STEELBOX, br_rachel,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR17_7 4_STEELBOX, br_rachel,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR17_8 4_STEELBOX, br_rachel,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR17_9 4_STEELBOX, br_rachel,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR17_10 4_STEELBOX, br_splend,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR18_1 4_STEELBOX, br_splend,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR18_2 4_STEELBOX, br_splend,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR18_3 4_STEELBOX, br_splend,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR18_4 4_STEELBOX, br_splend,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR18_5 4_STEELBOX, br_splend,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR18_6 4_STEELBOX, br_splend,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR18_7 4_STEELBOX, br_splend,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR18_8 4_STEELBOX, br_splend,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR18_9 4_STEELBOX, br_splend,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR18_10 4_STEELBOX, br_veins,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR19_1 4_STEELBOX, br_veins,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR19_2 4_STEELBOX, br_veins,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR19_3 4_STEELBOX, br_veins,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR19_4 4_STEELBOX, br_veins,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR19_5 4_STEELBOX, br_veins,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR19_6 4_STEELBOX, br_veins,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR19_7 4_STEELBOX, br_veins,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR19_8 4_STEELBOX, br_veins,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR19_9 4_STEELBOX, br_veins,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR19_10 4_STEELBOX, br_yuno,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR20_1 4_STEELBOX, br_yuno,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR20_2 4_STEELBOX, br_yuno,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR20_3 4_STEELBOX, br_yuno,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR20_4 4_STEELBOX, br_yuno,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR20_5 4_STEELBOX, br_yuno,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR20_6 4_STEELBOX, br_yuno,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR20_7 4_STEELBOX, br_yuno,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR20_8 4_STEELBOX, br_yuno,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR20_9 4_STEELBOX, br_yuno,0,0,0 duplicate(BR_LootBox) Chest#BR20_10 4_STEELBOX.
Darynda Jones Moonlight And Magic Release Date, Wyckoff Diagnostic Testing Center 371 Stockholm, Spouse Of Mother Enmeshed Man, Articles A
Darynda Jones Moonlight And Magic Release Date, Wyckoff Diagnostic Testing Center 371 Stockholm, Spouse Of Mother Enmeshed Man, Articles A