prayer to recover stolen destiny
4. PRAYERS TO RECOVER MY KEYS OF DESTINY 1. 25 But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. The devil is using it, to remove focus. This is very much in use against the people by the devil. 44. 10:5-7 There is an evil I have seen under the sun, 6- Folly is set in great dignity, 7 while the rich sit in a lowly place, I have seen servants on horses while princes walk on the ground like servants. If you need prayer, please email 30 Prayer Points For The Restoration Of Destiny. Confess your sins one by one ( outside marriage, abortion, or other forms of bloodshed, worship of false gods, family altars) Mention them by name, especially sexual sins. You might ask! Stubborn powers of my father's house, holding the keys of my glory against me, RELEASE it to me and Die!!! Evangelist Joshua Orekhie is a servant of God gifted in spiritual gifts of prayers and dream interpretations. 20. Prayer Points On Pursue Overtake And Recover. These 30 prayer points on restoration of destiny will restore your lost glory in the name of Jesus. Many people are living unfulfilled lives. You must stand on the word of God. POWERFUL PRAYER TO TAKE BACK WHAT THE ENEMY HAS BEEN STOLEN. Only few people are living according to Gods standard for their lives.I would like you to read this bulletin with a prayerful heart. Every lost opportunity through this dream,begin to come back by fire, in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus, I release my glory and destiny from any demonic pot it has been covered and buried. My Father, make me untouchable and unreachable for the wicked ones planning to steal my virtues in Jesus name. And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your . 3. 53. Any problem in my life that has defiled prayers and fasting, receive the blood of Jesus and die, in the name of Jesus. 6. The evil that is happening is the exchange of other peoples destinies. Every destiny quenchers sitting upon my destiny, be cast in the fire in the name of Jesus.11. 64. The good seed, the bible is talking about here, are the good things which God has put in your life. Your prayer requests will be looked unto for intercessory. My Benefactors, locate me by fire in the name of Jesus 5. Why am I not able to secure even an ordinary job? Any power assigned to exchange my destiny, die, in the name of Jesus. Axe of God, destroy the root of my problems in Jesus name. in the name of Jesus. Anything stolen from my life while I was in the womb be restored by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. Demonic doorways of Incision in my life, burn to ashes, in the name of Jesus. There was a sister that came to the deliverance programme, she looked like a zombie, saliva was gushing out of her mouth and a prayer point was called on a Monday,Any power using my virtue to prosper die, in the name of Jesus.Then, on Wednesday, the news came that the elder brother of that sister who was a business man passed away. You can submit your prayer request here, and we will interfere on your behalf. You must battle the enemy fiercely and take back what rightly belongs to you. Any of the channels you have discovered to recover back your keys of progress, this is the time to develop it more. And he answered him, Pursue: for thou shalt surely overtake them, and without fail recover all.. You need to pray for God to restore your godly ordained destiny. 76. Rocover all that you have lost to the enemy: ONE: Spirit of the Living God, arise and take me to my place of blessing now, in Jesus name. Blood of Jesus destroy every witchcraft food in my blood in Jesus name. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. PRAYERS TO RECOVER MY KEYS OF DESTINY. Fill the following form: You have entered an incorrect email address! In the name of Jesus, I restore my destiny by the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. O Lord, please forgive me for every self-inflicted problem in the form of failure, disappointment, stagnancy, etc, my life is not your candidate, lord shows me the way out in Jesus name. 54. Open your Mouth and declare these prayers to recover what the enemy has stolen from me. 7. 4. You are specially created to become a solution to the world; Before God gave you life; He already chose you for greatness; You were not born by mistake; but by divine will of God; You might be useless in the eyes of men but you are useful in the eyes of God; You might be nobody in the eyes of men but you are somebody in the eyes of God; You might have been rejected by men but you have been accepted by God; It is not the name which people are calling you; but the one that the Lord has named you. Opposition and distraction are parts of the journey but keep focused. They exchange your strength with weakness, They exchange your vision with frustration, They exchange your prayerfulness with prayerlessness, They can exchange your increase with decrease. Heaven, refuse to give answers to any powers inquiring about my glory, in Jesus name. 69. Remember you are created in His image. I remember the first deliverance programme that I attended in 2001. My Destiny, receive the fire of God and become untouchable for the enemy in Jesus mighty name. Then David and the people that were with him lifted up their voice and wept, until they had no more power to weep.And Davids two wives were taken captives, Ahinoam the Jezreelitess, and Abigail the wife of Nabal the Carmelite. in the name of Jesus. My destiny will not be swapped in the name of Jesus. Ancestral powers of my fathers house, Ancestral powers of my mothers house, face each other and destroy yourselves, in the name of Jesus We work really hard to put a lot of efforts and resources in our content with original and highly quality articles. Maybe, you have already given yourself to your brother, uncle, auntie, boyfriend, mother even your father to do one thing or the other to you in order to be rich and now you are struggling. 37. Your greatest enemy is the power that does not want you to fulfil your destiny. O Lord, the glory which was lost while I was in my mothers womb, restore it for me in the name of Jesus They can exchange your prosperity with poverty: were you rich and all of a sudden, your wealth begins to disappear? 32. Brethren this and many other cases are the many forms of how the devil steals our virtues and other things of value from us. My keys of favour and gloryyyyyy, my hand is available for you, whether the wicked and witches like it or not: APPEAR AND LOCATE ME NOW!!! Every satanic transaction done over my life while I was in the womb, perish by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. My Father, every demonic where my glorious virtues are placed shall be burnt up and my glorious virtues shall be released in Jesus name. 1. It was at that point that Jabezs glory was lost. The covenant of the world which stole my glory, Father, restore it in your mercy, in the name of Jesus. I receive the keys to my breakthroughs and freedom, in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus, as I begin to pray, every good thing I have lost will come back to me now in the name of Jesus. 4. Remember that faith . 4. Prayers to Recover Stolen Inheritance or Destiny "But if he be found, he shall restore sevenfold; He shall give all the substance of his house." . Prosperity is the kingdom of God. Every serpent of darkness which has sucked my virtue, through sex with any satanic agent, vomit, my virtue and die, in the name of Jesus.12. The keys of my everlasting blessings stolen from me through fornication..(mention others), I reclaim you back, in the name of Jesus. Every destiny quenchers sitting upon my destiny, be cast in the fire in the name of Jesus. Every witchcraft dedication done to keep our nation in bondage be destroyed by fire, in the name of Jesus.8. Blood of Jesus, deliver me from generational battles in the name of Jesus. 16. I vomit every witchcraft rat eaten in the dream in the name of Jesus. My Father, disgrace every evil conspiracy against my destiny fulfilment in Jesus name. I wash my gate with the blood of Jesus to receive my keys of glory, in the name of Jesus. 45. Incision of darkness on my body be washed off by the blood of Jesus. Contact Evangelist Joshua on Telegram group through +2348099828623. We urge you to bookmark this site for more updates. Many people are living lives that are not theirs. It is only by His grace that we are able to publish and distribute it monthly. Oh Lord, I command every power and forces holding down by glorious virtues and destiny to lose their grip right now in Jesus name. In the name of Jesus, I speak into the four corners of the earth and call forth my destiny helpers. I close the gate of afflictions and failures openes against me, in the name of Jesus. Wherever my destiny has been caged, wherever the destinies of my children/spouse have been caged, I command you now to be released by fire, in t he name of Jesus. 35. 3. 61. Anything that must die for my original glory to be restored, what are you waiting for? Because, if you look at the opposition, you will loose your divine position. Prayer Points1. Sign in 3. The enemy will use distraction to remove people from their right track. We work really hard to put a lot of efforts and resources in our content with original and highly quality articles. Oh Lord, I command every evil gang up against my glorious destiny to scatter by fire in Jesus name. 1 Samuel 30:1-8 And it came to pass, when David and his men were come to Ziklag on the third day, that the Amalekites had invaded the south, and Ziklag, and smitten Ziklag, and burned it with fire; And had taken the women captives, that were therein: they slew not any, either great or small, but carried them away, and went on their way.So David and his men came to the city, and, behold, it was burned with fire; and their wives, and their sons, and their daughters, were taken captives. Every destiny destroyer sitting upon my destiny, be cast into the fire in the name of Jesus. Father deliver my glory from the midwife which gave me my first birth and stole my glory, in Jesus name. I give You the glory and the honor for Your redemptive work on my behalf. He was asked to sleep with his sister in order to become rich. 38. Only few people are living according to Gods standard for their lives. 71. Their assignment is to change peoples destinies. O heavens, recover my stolen shoes from the hands of the bondman, in the name of Jesus. My Father, every plot of the enemy to render me stranded and empty shall be wasted in Jesus name. 21. 4. Evangelist Joshua Orekhie is a servant of God gifted in spiritual gifts of prayers and dream interpretations. And ask GOD for forgiveness and mercy. Father deliver my glory from the spirit husband/wife, in Jesus name. 2. In the name of Jesus, I recharge my destiny with the fire of God. 3. The evil that is happening is the exchange of other peoples destinies. 11. Powerful Deliverance prayers to return back all that was stolen from you by evil BE BLESSED DAILY WITH THESE MORNING PRAYERS FOR BREAKTHROUGH, FREEDOM, SUCCESS & SELF DELIVERANCE ALL THOSE. Wherever my destiny has been hidden, I command you now to appear and locate me, in the name of Jesus.6. 3. You can now pay your offerings, tithes, sow seeds or partner with us. It is the will of God for you to be fruitful. 4. Every altar of lateness in marriage in the foundation of Namibia, attacking marital breakthroughs in this nation, be consumed by fire in the name of Jesus. 2. I recover all my stolen properties from the covens of darkness, in Jesus' name. Every altar of polygamy in the foundation of Namibia attacking marriages in Namibia, enough is enough, perish by fire, in the name of Jesus.6. 22. 49. Father, deliver my glory from the first clothe I wore in the name of Jesus. My Father, I decree that every waster planning to waste me and shall be wasted in Jesus name. I recover my destiny from the hand of destiny exchangers in the name of Jesus.7. It is no longer with you. Heaven arise and fight for my glory, in Jesus name. O Lord, the sins in my life which gave the enemies opportunity to steal my glory, deliver me and have mercy on me, in the name of Jesus. Proper acknowledgment include, but not limited to (a) Proper referencing in the case of usage in research, magazine, sermons, (b) FAIR USE in the case of re-publication on online media or offline. Recovering All By that prayer, you have just set in motion a very redemptive course of action in your life. I challenge the foundation of Namibia with the fire of the Holy Ghost and the blood of Jesus.3. 47. As I drink the blood, I command it to wash away everything in my system that is working against my destiny. Thank You, Lord, for helping me to recover what has been stolen in these various areas of my life. Every dead relative that stole my keys of virtues and took it to the grave, I summon you now by fire, return my virtues and go back to hell, in the name of Jesus. By your power, I decree the destruction of every known and unknown demonic calendars and timetables of bondage operating in my family line, in Jesus name. Oh Lord, I proclaim my authority and dominion over all my virtues in Jesus name. 2. Back of card reads: The grace of God has made you a powerful advocate in all necessities and the patron of the restoration of things lost or stolen: to . Oh Lord, I declare that as from today, my glorious virtues and destiny shall and manifest for the world to see in Jesus name. I command all forms of impurities that followed me from the environment where I grew up to be cast you into the fire of Gods judgment in Jesus name. The glory which my parents used to get riches Your focus will help you to crush all the wiles of the devil that are militating against you. Every spirit that is not of God in my life you are a stranger, I saturate myself with the blood of Jesus; let the organs of my body receive cleansing from the top of my head to the soles of my feet in Jesus name. Arise in your anger and strike every evil gathering plotting to steal my destiny. Is it prayers? : We can have the virtue dreams and of loyalty in Joseph by being loyal to his master and refusing to have an affair with his masters wife. If you need prayer, please email 3. 30 Prayer Points For The Restoration Of Destiny Demonic powers that have swallowed my, hear the word of God, vomit it now in the name of Jesus. For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the LORD; because they called thee an Outcast, [saying], This [is] Zion, whom no man seeketh after. O Lord, arise and sit over my life and let my destiny change. The enemy will use distraction to remove people from their right track. : The virtue of exceptional level of faith can be seen in Abraham when he wanted to sacrifice his only son, also the virtue of great obedience can be seen in the life of our Father Abraham when he diligently obeyed God when he was asked to leave his fathers land and move to another place and also when he was asked to sacrifice his only son, he diligently obeyed. Garment of Right Identity, come upon me, in Jesus name You strangers that invaded into my life through my gate, I command you to evacuate. in the name of Jesus. By the grace of God, Evangelist Joshua has been interpreting dreams since he was 12 years old and till now. My Father, I thank you for your provision and supply upon me and my household in Jesus name. There are wicked personalities using other peoples destiny in order to prosper. And David said to Abiathar the priest, Ahimelechs son, I pray thee, bring me hither the ephod. When God created your life, He saw that everything was good and perfect. 19. And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me: Therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the Lord., About Evangelist Joshua Orekhie Ministries, Jeremiah 30:17 For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wonds, saith the LORD; because they called thee an outcast, saying, This is Zion, whom no man seeketh after.. 8. What are the consequences of copyright infringement? Thank you Father God for your goodness, mercy, love and provisions. Wind of the night you will not cooperate with my enemies in Jesus name. In the name of Jesus, I destroy everything that is not of God in the foundation of my destiny. Stealing should not be encouraged; Contact us through this link:, or through this Email:, Copyright (2023) Evangelist Joshua Orekhie Ministries. Every satanic transaction done over my life while I was in the womb, perish by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.10. 24. What happened is that, after her brother started his business, he went to the witch doctor for money making. Oh God my father, take me to where I am supposed to be, in the name of Jesus. 3. It is the will of God for you to be fruitful. 6. Spirit of hardship which entered my destiny at birth, COME OUT, return to your kind, in the name of Jesus Any power calling my destiny into captivity, release me and die, in Jesus name. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Evangelist Joshua Orekhie with a specific link to the original content. If it be God's Divine Will that I should go without, Then may it be done according to His Will. I receive the keys to the hidden riches of secret places in the name of Jesus. 2. Your greatest enemy is the power that does not want you to fulfil your destiny. As from today on, I decree and declare that the anointing to move forward come upon my life. The secret of success is to be focused. In the name of Jesus, I reverse every demonic transaction used to swap my destiny. Any power from my foundation, contesting over my destiny, die, in the name of Jesus. My Father! Every programme of failure, fashioned against my destiny, die, in the name of Jesus. 17. I bind every strongman holding my inheritances captive, in the name of Jesus. I would like you to read this bulletin with a prayerful heart. Whats your key to recover your destiny? I recover all my confiscated and stolen properties, in Jesus' name. No right is given without my recognition. Oh Lord, all my glorious virtue taken away by the wicked ones, I claim back by fire in Jesus name. In Genesis 1-2, it talked about how God created everything and He saw that, it was good. All contents are protected by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act 1996 (DMCA). how to recover stolen cryptocurrency from trust wallet; nc state hockey; firehawk aerospace dallas; brenda lowe baby name; observatory hill, pittsburgh crime; buying cigarettes in corfu 0 $ 0.00; 1981 high school basketball player rankings; did kyouka die in bungou stray dogs; God told Abraham to look at the East, West, North and South and as far as he can see, he will possess it. Prayer POINTS TO RECOVER YOUR EXCHANGED DESTINYTags:signs that your destiny has been stolen, bible verses on destiny recovery, powers fighting my glory, prayer against destiny attackers, prayer points on pursue overtake and recover, power to recover your lost glory, sermon on restore my glory, prayer against exchange, prayer points for deliverance from captivity, prayer points for family deliverance pdf, prayer points to recover stolen money. Let the fire of the Holy Ghost burn every physical and spiritual veil that is being used to hide my stolen virtues, blessings, etc, in Jesus' name. Daddy I thank you for your mercies in my life and in the lives of my family, blessed be your name, Lord, in the powerful name of Jesus Christ. My destiny be released and locate me in the name of Jesus.8. You the star of my destiny arise and shine, in the name of Jesus. The good news is that what is killed, stolen or destroyed by the enemy can be restored by God. 7. Send your recovery team to the land of the living and the dead to exhume, search and recover any of my stolen virtues, blessings, etc, in Jesus' name. Psalm 27:6 And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me: Therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the Lord., Kindly watch Evangelist Joshua on Youtube. 28. Some have lost their destiny through careless spiritual search; they go to different churches, shrines, temples, and altars in search for solutions to their problems. And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God. Fruitfulness is the kingdom of God, Good health is the kingdom of God. Your destiny is exchanged. And the LORD turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends: also the LORD gave Job twice as much as he had before. Because of my great expectant in receiving good things from the Lord, I shall not receive the keys of sorrow to my life, in the name of Jesus. Joel 2:25-26: And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you. Father, as You already know, my daughter just been abducted. 7. 28 He said unto them: An enemy (satan) hath done this (KJV)The good seed, the bible is talking about here, are the good things which God has put in your life. You can submit your prayer request here, and we will interfere on your behalf. Prosperity is the kingdom of God. I vomit witchcraft faeces eaten in the dream, in the name of Jesus. Your destiny is what God has created you to be, right from your mothers womb; Your destiny is Gods original plan before you were created; Your destiny is Gods divine purpose before you were created; Your destiny is Gods placement in your life; Your destiny is your assignment on earth; Your destiny is the picture that God had in His mind before He created you; In Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I sanctified you, I ordained you a prophet to the nations. I decree that every word that come out of my mouth as I pray today, must be fulfilled in Jesus' name. Oh Lord, I command all the powers that swallow my glorious virtues to vomit then by fire right now in Jesus name. We are praying to recover lost and stolen blessings in this spiritual warfare prayer vigil. Every power that has padlocked my destiny, Fire of God burn the padlock to ashes and the spirits, in the name of Jesus. Why am I finding it hard to eat? So, lets pray this prayer promptly and seriously and the results are guaranteed. Any satanic strongman using the destinies of the Namibians, to prosper, enough is enough, die in the name of Jesus.9. My blood and body fluid under witchcraft attack receive deliverance by Fire in the name of Jesus. 48. 3. Opposition and distraction are parts of the journey but keep focused. PRAYERS TO RECOVER MY KEYS OF DESTINY My gate of glory under locked and key, I open you today by fire, in the name of Jesus. I come to you with confidence; that someone has stolen from me, taken (mention the object). Vacate my life by fire, be flushed out by the wind of the Holy Ghost, in the name of Jesus. Without faith, the Bible says its impossible to please God. After the brother died, this sister started getting well. Arise and fight my battles and restore my key of destiny to my hands!!! Every power standing at the gate of my deliverance, parlayze and die by fire, in the name of Jesus. And David recovered everything that he had lost; he recovered not just one or two things or some of the things, but everything (glory) that has been lost. I would also like to thank God, for always providing funds for this bulletin. Psalm 11:7 "For the righteous LORD loveth righteousness; his countenance doth behold the upright" My Father, I thank you for your immense love and care, showered upon me. 5. In our effort to protect our intellectual properties, we may report your website, Youtube to Google without prior notice and your website or contents will be removed from Search Engines and you may receive a strike. When we have great virtues in us it foster the fulfilment of our destiny and also brings the favour of God to work for us and upon our life. Oh Lord, arise in your power and deliver from the claws of every oppressors, oppressing my life and destiny in Jesus name. The prayer for the restoration of destiny is a prayer everyone should pray frequently. Oh most holy Saint Anthony, help me to recover what is mine, that I may rejoice by its presence. 67. O God arise and recover my keys of laughter, in the name of Jesus. Any personality that the devil has replaced my life with be roasted by fire, in the name of Jesus. 3. : The virtue of dream interpretation and exceptional excellence can be seen in the life of Daniel, which made him ten times wiser and preferred far beyond his contemporaries, also the virtue of obedience can be seen in Daniel when a mandate was give that no one should pray but his passion to obey God was still intact and he prayed not minding the consequences behind it. Thou ancient of Days, rebuke the devourer for my sake, in the name of Jesus. His website- online ministries are created to teach people how to interpret their dreams with prayers. 52. Many people today failed because they allowed themselves to be distracted. Pastor E.A. My Father, arise in your anger and send confusion into the camp of everyone plotting to steal my glorious virtues in Jesus name. If you allow yourself to be distracted where you are supposed to fly high like an eagle, you will start crawling like a chicken. Any power from the pit of hell holding on to my glory, release my glory and die, in the name of Jesus. My keys of financial breakthrough in the belly of a serpent, be vomitted by fire and thunder, in the name of Jesus. You need to repent of them all if you want to see results in this program. You dark, demonic voice saying my destiny will end up in the graveyard even before it manifests completely, I command you to go to hell and burn to ashes in the name of Jesus. Where is the God of Elijah? or email to: O Lord, deliver my glory from the sins of my father and mother, in the name of Jesus. Mountain of Transfiguration and Miracle Ministries 2023 All rights Reserved, Listen to this article Evil Voices. SHARE to millions of friends! Every lost of glory is permitted to be recovered through aggressive prayers. I bind every strongman holding my inheritances captive, in the name of Jesus. Every gate of misfortunes that opened my life to famine, losses and stagnation, I SHUT YOU DOWN NOW BY THE FINGER OF GOD!!! 30 Prayer Points To Recover All 1. I shatter all demonic mirrors used to monitor the situation and progress of my destiny. You gods of the land, hear the word of the Lord, lose your power over my star, in the name of Jesus. People may have written you off, and think nothing good will come out of your life, but as you begin to pray these 30 prayers points fervently, God will change your story and restore to you double fold in Jesus name. Die now, in the name of Jesus. Is it to sing praises and worship to God? My guardian angel, go and bring back my destiny keys from wherever it is hidden, in the mighty name of Jesus. I break every covenant I have entered into with the spirit of affliction and sorrow, in the name of Jesus. That was why she described sorrow to Jabezs destiny. PRAYER POINTS 1. Contents within this website is for only to edifying the body of Christ and solution site to all spiritual problems and registered with government. Why am I finding it hard to eat? I receive the keys to my breakthroughs and freedom, in the name of Jesus. My Father! You powers from my fathers and mothers houses, vowing that my destiny will not be restored, you are not my God, scatter by fire in the name of Jesus. The reason why the evil ones attack the virtues in people is because, when a man is robbed of his virtues, he lives an empty life and most times the person will behave in a way that contradict acceptable forms of behaviours either to man or God. 77. Faeces of darkness in my body, die in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus, I destroy the ministry of a strange woman or man, sent from the underworld, to destroy my destiny through sex. My Glory, what are you doing in the cage of witchcraft, jump out by fire and locate me, in Jesus name. 8. Great earthquake of God, destroy the ancestral prison holding me captive, in Jesus name. 8. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. By the power of the Holy Ghost, I break any evil covenant and curse still working against my destiny leading to stolen virtues in the name of Jesus. You evil strongman, attached to my destiny, be bound, in Jesus' name. Our content is under copyright law. My Father! Stubborn powers of my father's house, holding the keys of my glory against me, RELEASE it to me and Die!!! Carousel Learning Student Login, Ken Campbell Actor Cause Of Death, Sarah Jones And Mitch Rowland Wedding, Mini Bernedoodle Delaware, Articles P
4. PRAYERS TO RECOVER MY KEYS OF DESTINY 1. 25 But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. The devil is using it, to remove focus. This is very much in use against the people by the devil. 44. 10:5-7 There is an evil I have seen under the sun, 6- Folly is set in great dignity, 7 while the rich sit in a lowly place, I have seen servants on horses while princes walk on the ground like servants. If you need prayer, please email 30 Prayer Points For The Restoration Of Destiny. Confess your sins one by one ( outside marriage, abortion, or other forms of bloodshed, worship of false gods, family altars) Mention them by name, especially sexual sins. You might ask! Stubborn powers of my father's house, holding the keys of my glory against me, RELEASE it to me and Die!!! Evangelist Joshua Orekhie is a servant of God gifted in spiritual gifts of prayers and dream interpretations. 20. Prayer Points On Pursue Overtake And Recover. These 30 prayer points on restoration of destiny will restore your lost glory in the name of Jesus. Many people are living unfulfilled lives. You must stand on the word of God. POWERFUL PRAYER TO TAKE BACK WHAT THE ENEMY HAS BEEN STOLEN. Only few people are living according to Gods standard for their lives.I would like you to read this bulletin with a prayerful heart. Every lost opportunity through this dream,begin to come back by fire, in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus, I release my glory and destiny from any demonic pot it has been covered and buried. My Father, make me untouchable and unreachable for the wicked ones planning to steal my virtues in Jesus name. And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your . 3. 53. Any problem in my life that has defiled prayers and fasting, receive the blood of Jesus and die, in the name of Jesus. 6. The evil that is happening is the exchange of other peoples destinies. Every destiny quenchers sitting upon my destiny, be cast in the fire in the name of Jesus.11. 64. The good seed, the bible is talking about here, are the good things which God has put in your life. Your prayer requests will be looked unto for intercessory. My Benefactors, locate me by fire in the name of Jesus 5. Why am I not able to secure even an ordinary job? Any power assigned to exchange my destiny, die, in the name of Jesus. Axe of God, destroy the root of my problems in Jesus name. in the name of Jesus. Anything stolen from my life while I was in the womb be restored by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. Demonic doorways of Incision in my life, burn to ashes, in the name of Jesus. There was a sister that came to the deliverance programme, she looked like a zombie, saliva was gushing out of her mouth and a prayer point was called on a Monday,Any power using my virtue to prosper die, in the name of Jesus.Then, on Wednesday, the news came that the elder brother of that sister who was a business man passed away. You can submit your prayer request here, and we will interfere on your behalf. You must battle the enemy fiercely and take back what rightly belongs to you. Any of the channels you have discovered to recover back your keys of progress, this is the time to develop it more. And he answered him, Pursue: for thou shalt surely overtake them, and without fail recover all.. You need to pray for God to restore your godly ordained destiny. 76. Rocover all that you have lost to the enemy: ONE: Spirit of the Living God, arise and take me to my place of blessing now, in Jesus name. Blood of Jesus destroy every witchcraft food in my blood in Jesus name. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. PRAYERS TO RECOVER MY KEYS OF DESTINY. Fill the following form: You have entered an incorrect email address! In the name of Jesus, I restore my destiny by the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. O Lord, please forgive me for every self-inflicted problem in the form of failure, disappointment, stagnancy, etc, my life is not your candidate, lord shows me the way out in Jesus name. 54. Open your Mouth and declare these prayers to recover what the enemy has stolen from me. 7. 4. You are specially created to become a solution to the world; Before God gave you life; He already chose you for greatness; You were not born by mistake; but by divine will of God; You might be useless in the eyes of men but you are useful in the eyes of God; You might be nobody in the eyes of men but you are somebody in the eyes of God; You might have been rejected by men but you have been accepted by God; It is not the name which people are calling you; but the one that the Lord has named you. Opposition and distraction are parts of the journey but keep focused. They exchange your strength with weakness, They exchange your vision with frustration, They exchange your prayerfulness with prayerlessness, They can exchange your increase with decrease. Heaven, refuse to give answers to any powers inquiring about my glory, in Jesus name. 69. Remember you are created in His image. I remember the first deliverance programme that I attended in 2001. My Destiny, receive the fire of God and become untouchable for the enemy in Jesus mighty name. Then David and the people that were with him lifted up their voice and wept, until they had no more power to weep.And Davids two wives were taken captives, Ahinoam the Jezreelitess, and Abigail the wife of Nabal the Carmelite. in the name of Jesus. My destiny will not be swapped in the name of Jesus. Ancestral powers of my fathers house, Ancestral powers of my mothers house, face each other and destroy yourselves, in the name of Jesus We work really hard to put a lot of efforts and resources in our content with original and highly quality articles. Maybe, you have already given yourself to your brother, uncle, auntie, boyfriend, mother even your father to do one thing or the other to you in order to be rich and now you are struggling. 37. Your greatest enemy is the power that does not want you to fulfil your destiny. O Lord, the glory which was lost while I was in my mothers womb, restore it for me in the name of Jesus They can exchange your prosperity with poverty: were you rich and all of a sudden, your wealth begins to disappear? 32. Brethren this and many other cases are the many forms of how the devil steals our virtues and other things of value from us. My keys of favour and gloryyyyyy, my hand is available for you, whether the wicked and witches like it or not: APPEAR AND LOCATE ME NOW!!! Every satanic transaction done over my life while I was in the womb, perish by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. My Father, every demonic where my glorious virtues are placed shall be burnt up and my glorious virtues shall be released in Jesus name. 1. It was at that point that Jabezs glory was lost. The covenant of the world which stole my glory, Father, restore it in your mercy, in the name of Jesus. I receive the keys to my breakthroughs and freedom, in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus, as I begin to pray, every good thing I have lost will come back to me now in the name of Jesus. 4. Remember that faith . 4. Prayers to Recover Stolen Inheritance or Destiny "But if he be found, he shall restore sevenfold; He shall give all the substance of his house." . Prosperity is the kingdom of God. Every serpent of darkness which has sucked my virtue, through sex with any satanic agent, vomit, my virtue and die, in the name of Jesus.12. The keys of my everlasting blessings stolen from me through fornication..(mention others), I reclaim you back, in the name of Jesus. Every destiny quenchers sitting upon my destiny, be cast in the fire in the name of Jesus. Every witchcraft dedication done to keep our nation in bondage be destroyed by fire, in the name of Jesus.8. Blood of Jesus, deliver me from generational battles in the name of Jesus. 16. I vomit every witchcraft rat eaten in the dream in the name of Jesus. My Father, disgrace every evil conspiracy against my destiny fulfilment in Jesus name. I wash my gate with the blood of Jesus to receive my keys of glory, in the name of Jesus. 45. Incision of darkness on my body be washed off by the blood of Jesus. Contact Evangelist Joshua on Telegram group through +2348099828623. We urge you to bookmark this site for more updates. Many people are living lives that are not theirs. It is only by His grace that we are able to publish and distribute it monthly. Oh Lord, I command every power and forces holding down by glorious virtues and destiny to lose their grip right now in Jesus name. In the name of Jesus, I speak into the four corners of the earth and call forth my destiny helpers. I close the gate of afflictions and failures openes against me, in the name of Jesus. Wherever my destiny has been caged, wherever the destinies of my children/spouse have been caged, I command you now to be released by fire, in t he name of Jesus. 35. 3. 61. Anything that must die for my original glory to be restored, what are you waiting for? Because, if you look at the opposition, you will loose your divine position. Prayer Points1. Sign in 3. The enemy will use distraction to remove people from their right track. We work really hard to put a lot of efforts and resources in our content with original and highly quality articles. Oh Lord, I command every evil gang up against my glorious destiny to scatter by fire in Jesus name. 1 Samuel 30:1-8 And it came to pass, when David and his men were come to Ziklag on the third day, that the Amalekites had invaded the south, and Ziklag, and smitten Ziklag, and burned it with fire; And had taken the women captives, that were therein: they slew not any, either great or small, but carried them away, and went on their way.So David and his men came to the city, and, behold, it was burned with fire; and their wives, and their sons, and their daughters, were taken captives. Every destiny destroyer sitting upon my destiny, be cast into the fire in the name of Jesus. Father deliver my glory from the midwife which gave me my first birth and stole my glory, in Jesus name. I give You the glory and the honor for Your redemptive work on my behalf. He was asked to sleep with his sister in order to become rich. 38. Only few people are living according to Gods standard for their lives. 71. Their assignment is to change peoples destinies. O heavens, recover my stolen shoes from the hands of the bondman, in the name of Jesus. My Father, every plot of the enemy to render me stranded and empty shall be wasted in Jesus name. 21. 4. Evangelist Joshua Orekhie is a servant of God gifted in spiritual gifts of prayers and dream interpretations. And ask GOD for forgiveness and mercy. Father deliver my glory from the spirit husband/wife, in Jesus name. 2. In the name of Jesus, I recharge my destiny with the fire of God. 3. The evil that is happening is the exchange of other peoples destinies. 11. Powerful Deliverance prayers to return back all that was stolen from you by evil BE BLESSED DAILY WITH THESE MORNING PRAYERS FOR BREAKTHROUGH, FREEDOM, SUCCESS & SELF DELIVERANCE ALL THOSE. Wherever my destiny has been hidden, I command you now to appear and locate me, in the name of Jesus.6. 3. You can now pay your offerings, tithes, sow seeds or partner with us. It is the will of God for you to be fruitful. 4. Every altar of lateness in marriage in the foundation of Namibia, attacking marital breakthroughs in this nation, be consumed by fire in the name of Jesus. 2. I recover all my stolen properties from the covens of darkness, in Jesus' name. Every altar of polygamy in the foundation of Namibia attacking marriages in Namibia, enough is enough, perish by fire, in the name of Jesus.6. 22. 49. Father, deliver my glory from the first clothe I wore in the name of Jesus. My Father, I decree that every waster planning to waste me and shall be wasted in Jesus name. I recover my destiny from the hand of destiny exchangers in the name of Jesus.7. It is no longer with you. Heaven arise and fight for my glory, in Jesus name. O Lord, the sins in my life which gave the enemies opportunity to steal my glory, deliver me and have mercy on me, in the name of Jesus. Proper acknowledgment include, but not limited to (a) Proper referencing in the case of usage in research, magazine, sermons, (b) FAIR USE in the case of re-publication on online media or offline. Recovering All By that prayer, you have just set in motion a very redemptive course of action in your life. I challenge the foundation of Namibia with the fire of the Holy Ghost and the blood of Jesus.3. 47. As I drink the blood, I command it to wash away everything in my system that is working against my destiny. Thank You, Lord, for helping me to recover what has been stolen in these various areas of my life. Every dead relative that stole my keys of virtues and took it to the grave, I summon you now by fire, return my virtues and go back to hell, in the name of Jesus. By your power, I decree the destruction of every known and unknown demonic calendars and timetables of bondage operating in my family line, in Jesus name. Oh Lord, I proclaim my authority and dominion over all my virtues in Jesus name. 2. Back of card reads: The grace of God has made you a powerful advocate in all necessities and the patron of the restoration of things lost or stolen: to . Oh Lord, I declare that as from today, my glorious virtues and destiny shall and manifest for the world to see in Jesus name. I command all forms of impurities that followed me from the environment where I grew up to be cast you into the fire of Gods judgment in Jesus name. The glory which my parents used to get riches Your focus will help you to crush all the wiles of the devil that are militating against you. Every spirit that is not of God in my life you are a stranger, I saturate myself with the blood of Jesus; let the organs of my body receive cleansing from the top of my head to the soles of my feet in Jesus name. Arise in your anger and strike every evil gathering plotting to steal my destiny. Is it prayers? : We can have the virtue dreams and of loyalty in Joseph by being loyal to his master and refusing to have an affair with his masters wife. If you need prayer, please email 3. 30 Prayer Points For The Restoration Of Destiny Demonic powers that have swallowed my, hear the word of God, vomit it now in the name of Jesus. For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the LORD; because they called thee an Outcast, [saying], This [is] Zion, whom no man seeketh after. O Lord, arise and sit over my life and let my destiny change. The enemy will use distraction to remove people from their right track. : The virtue of exceptional level of faith can be seen in Abraham when he wanted to sacrifice his only son, also the virtue of great obedience can be seen in the life of our Father Abraham when he diligently obeyed God when he was asked to leave his fathers land and move to another place and also when he was asked to sacrifice his only son, he diligently obeyed. Garment of Right Identity, come upon me, in Jesus name You strangers that invaded into my life through my gate, I command you to evacuate. in the name of Jesus. By the grace of God, Evangelist Joshua has been interpreting dreams since he was 12 years old and till now. My Father, I thank you for your provision and supply upon me and my household in Jesus name. There are wicked personalities using other peoples destiny in order to prosper. And David said to Abiathar the priest, Ahimelechs son, I pray thee, bring me hither the ephod. When God created your life, He saw that everything was good and perfect. 19. And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me: Therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the Lord., About Evangelist Joshua Orekhie Ministries, Jeremiah 30:17 For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wonds, saith the LORD; because they called thee an outcast, saying, This is Zion, whom no man seeketh after.. 8. What are the consequences of copyright infringement? Thank you Father God for your goodness, mercy, love and provisions. Wind of the night you will not cooperate with my enemies in Jesus name. In the name of Jesus, I destroy everything that is not of God in the foundation of my destiny. Stealing should not be encouraged; Contact us through this link:, or through this Email:, Copyright (2023) Evangelist Joshua Orekhie Ministries. Every satanic transaction done over my life while I was in the womb, perish by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.10. 24. What happened is that, after her brother started his business, he went to the witch doctor for money making. Oh God my father, take me to where I am supposed to be, in the name of Jesus. 3. It is the will of God for you to be fruitful. 6. Spirit of hardship which entered my destiny at birth, COME OUT, return to your kind, in the name of Jesus Any power calling my destiny into captivity, release me and die, in Jesus name. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Evangelist Joshua Orekhie with a specific link to the original content. If it be God's Divine Will that I should go without, Then may it be done according to His Will. I receive the keys to the hidden riches of secret places in the name of Jesus. 2. Your greatest enemy is the power that does not want you to fulfil your destiny. As from today on, I decree and declare that the anointing to move forward come upon my life. The secret of success is to be focused. In the name of Jesus, I reverse every demonic transaction used to swap my destiny. Any power from my foundation, contesting over my destiny, die, in the name of Jesus. My Father! Every programme of failure, fashioned against my destiny, die, in the name of Jesus. 17. I bind every strongman holding my inheritances captive, in the name of Jesus. I would like you to read this bulletin with a prayerful heart. Whats your key to recover your destiny? I recover all my confiscated and stolen properties, in Jesus' name. No right is given without my recognition. Oh Lord, all my glorious virtue taken away by the wicked ones, I claim back by fire in Jesus name. In Genesis 1-2, it talked about how God created everything and He saw that, it was good. All contents are protected by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act 1996 (DMCA). how to recover stolen cryptocurrency from trust wallet; nc state hockey; firehawk aerospace dallas; brenda lowe baby name; observatory hill, pittsburgh crime; buying cigarettes in corfu 0 $ 0.00; 1981 high school basketball player rankings; did kyouka die in bungou stray dogs; God told Abraham to look at the East, West, North and South and as far as he can see, he will possess it. Prayer POINTS TO RECOVER YOUR EXCHANGED DESTINYTags:signs that your destiny has been stolen, bible verses on destiny recovery, powers fighting my glory, prayer against destiny attackers, prayer points on pursue overtake and recover, power to recover your lost glory, sermon on restore my glory, prayer against exchange, prayer points for deliverance from captivity, prayer points for family deliverance pdf, prayer points to recover stolen money. Let the fire of the Holy Ghost burn every physical and spiritual veil that is being used to hide my stolen virtues, blessings, etc, in Jesus' name. Daddy I thank you for your mercies in my life and in the lives of my family, blessed be your name, Lord, in the powerful name of Jesus Christ. My destiny be released and locate me in the name of Jesus.8. You the star of my destiny arise and shine, in the name of Jesus. The good news is that what is killed, stolen or destroyed by the enemy can be restored by God. 7. Send your recovery team to the land of the living and the dead to exhume, search and recover any of my stolen virtues, blessings, etc, in Jesus' name. Psalm 27:6 And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me: Therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the Lord., Kindly watch Evangelist Joshua on Youtube. 28. Some have lost their destiny through careless spiritual search; they go to different churches, shrines, temples, and altars in search for solutions to their problems. And David was greatly distressed; for the people spake of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and for his daughters: but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God. Fruitfulness is the kingdom of God, Good health is the kingdom of God. Your destiny is exchanged. And the LORD turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends: also the LORD gave Job twice as much as he had before. Because of my great expectant in receiving good things from the Lord, I shall not receive the keys of sorrow to my life, in the name of Jesus. Joel 2:25-26: And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you. Father, as You already know, my daughter just been abducted. 7. 28 He said unto them: An enemy (satan) hath done this (KJV)The good seed, the bible is talking about here, are the good things which God has put in your life. You can submit your prayer request here, and we will interfere on your behalf. Prosperity is the kingdom of God. I vomit witchcraft faeces eaten in the dream, in the name of Jesus. Your destiny is what God has created you to be, right from your mothers womb; Your destiny is Gods original plan before you were created; Your destiny is Gods divine purpose before you were created; Your destiny is Gods placement in your life; Your destiny is your assignment on earth; Your destiny is the picture that God had in His mind before He created you; In Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I sanctified you, I ordained you a prophet to the nations. I decree that every word that come out of my mouth as I pray today, must be fulfilled in Jesus' name. Oh Lord, I command all the powers that swallow my glorious virtues to vomit then by fire right now in Jesus name. We are praying to recover lost and stolen blessings in this spiritual warfare prayer vigil. Every power that has padlocked my destiny, Fire of God burn the padlock to ashes and the spirits, in the name of Jesus. Why am I finding it hard to eat? So, lets pray this prayer promptly and seriously and the results are guaranteed. Any satanic strongman using the destinies of the Namibians, to prosper, enough is enough, die in the name of Jesus.9. My blood and body fluid under witchcraft attack receive deliverance by Fire in the name of Jesus. 48. 3. Opposition and distraction are parts of the journey but keep focused. PRAYERS TO RECOVER MY KEYS OF DESTINY My gate of glory under locked and key, I open you today by fire, in the name of Jesus. I come to you with confidence; that someone has stolen from me, taken (mention the object). Vacate my life by fire, be flushed out by the wind of the Holy Ghost, in the name of Jesus. Without faith, the Bible says its impossible to please God. After the brother died, this sister started getting well. Arise and fight my battles and restore my key of destiny to my hands!!! Every power standing at the gate of my deliverance, parlayze and die by fire, in the name of Jesus. And David recovered everything that he had lost; he recovered not just one or two things or some of the things, but everything (glory) that has been lost. I would also like to thank God, for always providing funds for this bulletin. Psalm 11:7 "For the righteous LORD loveth righteousness; his countenance doth behold the upright" My Father, I thank you for your immense love and care, showered upon me. 5. In our effort to protect our intellectual properties, we may report your website, Youtube to Google without prior notice and your website or contents will be removed from Search Engines and you may receive a strike. When we have great virtues in us it foster the fulfilment of our destiny and also brings the favour of God to work for us and upon our life. Oh Lord, arise in your power and deliver from the claws of every oppressors, oppressing my life and destiny in Jesus name. The prayer for the restoration of destiny is a prayer everyone should pray frequently. Oh most holy Saint Anthony, help me to recover what is mine, that I may rejoice by its presence. 67. O God arise and recover my keys of laughter, in the name of Jesus. Any personality that the devil has replaced my life with be roasted by fire, in the name of Jesus. 3. : The virtue of dream interpretation and exceptional excellence can be seen in the life of Daniel, which made him ten times wiser and preferred far beyond his contemporaries, also the virtue of obedience can be seen in Daniel when a mandate was give that no one should pray but his passion to obey God was still intact and he prayed not minding the consequences behind it. Thou ancient of Days, rebuke the devourer for my sake, in the name of Jesus. His website- online ministries are created to teach people how to interpret their dreams with prayers. 52. Many people today failed because they allowed themselves to be distracted. Pastor E.A. My Father, arise in your anger and send confusion into the camp of everyone plotting to steal my glorious virtues in Jesus name. If you allow yourself to be distracted where you are supposed to fly high like an eagle, you will start crawling like a chicken. Any power from the pit of hell holding on to my glory, release my glory and die, in the name of Jesus. My keys of financial breakthrough in the belly of a serpent, be vomitted by fire and thunder, in the name of Jesus. You need to repent of them all if you want to see results in this program. You dark, demonic voice saying my destiny will end up in the graveyard even before it manifests completely, I command you to go to hell and burn to ashes in the name of Jesus. Where is the God of Elijah? or email to: O Lord, deliver my glory from the sins of my father and mother, in the name of Jesus. Mountain of Transfiguration and Miracle Ministries 2023 All rights Reserved, Listen to this article Evil Voices. SHARE to millions of friends! Every lost of glory is permitted to be recovered through aggressive prayers. I bind every strongman holding my inheritances captive, in the name of Jesus. Every gate of misfortunes that opened my life to famine, losses and stagnation, I SHUT YOU DOWN NOW BY THE FINGER OF GOD!!! 30 Prayer Points To Recover All 1. I shatter all demonic mirrors used to monitor the situation and progress of my destiny. You gods of the land, hear the word of the Lord, lose your power over my star, in the name of Jesus. People may have written you off, and think nothing good will come out of your life, but as you begin to pray these 30 prayers points fervently, God will change your story and restore to you double fold in Jesus name. Die now, in the name of Jesus. Is it to sing praises and worship to God? My guardian angel, go and bring back my destiny keys from wherever it is hidden, in the mighty name of Jesus. I break every covenant I have entered into with the spirit of affliction and sorrow, in the name of Jesus. That was why she described sorrow to Jabezs destiny. PRAYER POINTS 1. Contents within this website is for only to edifying the body of Christ and solution site to all spiritual problems and registered with government. Why am I finding it hard to eat? I receive the keys to my breakthroughs and freedom, in the name of Jesus. My Father! You powers from my fathers and mothers houses, vowing that my destiny will not be restored, you are not my God, scatter by fire in the name of Jesus. The reason why the evil ones attack the virtues in people is because, when a man is robbed of his virtues, he lives an empty life and most times the person will behave in a way that contradict acceptable forms of behaviours either to man or God. 77. Faeces of darkness in my body, die in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus, I destroy the ministry of a strange woman or man, sent from the underworld, to destroy my destiny through sex. My Glory, what are you doing in the cage of witchcraft, jump out by fire and locate me, in Jesus name. 8. Great earthquake of God, destroy the ancestral prison holding me captive, in Jesus name. 8. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. By the power of the Holy Ghost, I break any evil covenant and curse still working against my destiny leading to stolen virtues in the name of Jesus. You evil strongman, attached to my destiny, be bound, in Jesus' name. Our content is under copyright law. My Father! Stubborn powers of my father's house, holding the keys of my glory against me, RELEASE it to me and Die!!!

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prayer to recover stolen destiny