polysorbate 80 vs turkey red oil
it passed after an hour or so. After exhaustive COQ10 research, and as a non-medical person, I conclude that supplementation with it can be useful/desirable, for many people. Emulsifiers improve the consistency of a product, which enables an even distribution of the benefits of the key ingredients. However, it is also listed in the handbook of green chemicals. Its a bit bitter though, but I got used to it quickly. Herbal extracts and spices have varying solubilities, but are often water soluble. Lol. Where to start? While Poly 80 is used for heavier oils (carrier oils). Im on Facebook as Christopher Dresbach location Covington, KY. . They are mostly used in a water-based product such as shampoos, hair sprays and shower gels. UNTIL RESEARCH IS DONE ON NO- VACCD vs. VACCD, WE JUST DONT HAVE THE CORRECT SCIENTIFIC PROOF. People forget all the products the FDA has approved over the years that is later taken off the shelvesafter the damage is done and people have died or permanently injured. They took it out but continued to sell exhausting stocks of mercury containing vaccines the last was out by 2006 approx.It is still present (2019) in multidose flu vaccines. Im allergic to all polysorbates, Ive had nasal polyps removed three times over the years, my Doctor was treating me with prescription drugs containing polysorbates made the condition worse. For example, many pregnant women avoid Rosemary herbs like the plague. He seems no more evil than you or I. Of course, youd also have 1900g of other carroty things in the cake that the recipe wasnt expecting. I mean, unless all the cancer rates, allergies to PESTICIDES-NOT food, illness, i.e. Your husband is a chemist and you are an Aesthetician??? You are so correct Ron. Far fetched I know, but cogito ergo sum. Your husband is a chemist; that means hes educated and in a better place to refute misinformation and quackery. Allergenic and toxic are not at all the same thing. . In polysorbate 20 it is lauric acid and in polysorbate 80 it is oleic acid. The new wonder drug for morning sickness. I was taking this product for about two months before I KNEWIT WAS THIS QUNOL MEGA COQ10 VITAMINS. Talk about hypochondria. Im assuming if you have any sort of allergy youre probably dealing with a leaky gut. In food: frozen desserts, shortenings, baking mixes and icings, canned veggies, yeast, cottage cheese, pickles, flavored mouth drops, shortening, margarine, dry mixes, peanut butter, ice cream, baked items, dairy products, dough conditionerif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'thegoodhuman_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_8',106,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thegoodhuman_com-large-leaderboard-2-0'); In cosmetics: hair care products, skin fresheners, cosmetics bases, foundations, shampoos, permanent waves products, fragrance powders, bath products, face cleansers, infant shampoos, face creams, linen sprays, balms, ointments, pomades, hair sprays, sunblocks. Acid number 0-2. Nothing about what you said makes this a toxic product. I would like to know what it is made from. I saw on a few websites that these ingredients are found in foods, and Ive never experienced an allergic reaction from foods before. Only 6% of the so called deaths from C-19 were actually caused by it! Agreed!!!! I read your blog. FULL disclosure with no tricks added, Thanks. You are a fool. I WAS TAKING 1 CAPSULE 100 MGS.,QUNOL, MEGA COQ10, DAILY. The FDA doesnt care about you either. Please read this FAQ for more information. I found it because I was looking up PS80 to find out what it was, and because I am trying to make some natural skin care products that dont cause problems to people or the environment so could anyone tell me what I could use instead of PS80 to solubilise waxes, creams and liquids (like essential oils) please. Because its affects the food that it is in.. Thats becuz our generation is as sick as ever. It belongs to a class of compounds called polysorbates. Individually, it is an excellent solubilizer of essential oils, wetting agent . Id probably choose fractionate coconut oil , Hi Marie, I will look for pickles without this. Such would enable would-be patients to stay whole and sound and not reliable customers. This means that if you add Poly80, you need to add less of your other wetting ingredients (water, witch hazel, alcohol). consider the deeds of the Clinton Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, etc. The bovine extracthope it doesnt contain other diseases, right?African Green Monkey liver extract? While the information there is useful, you have to know the limitations. Ty Bollinger also created The Truth About Vaccines. And all the other awake people on this forum!!! You will be delighted yet mad that we didnt implement this way of life long ago. Just looked this up because I saw it on the jar of dill pickle I just bought. If youre making cosmetics, iron oxides are a must (the amount of spices or herbal extracts youd need to add to get the same level of colour can really throw off a recipe, not to mention some spices [cinnamon!] It makes way more sense than the nonsense we live in these days. Therefore: "You should not get the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine if you: had a severe allergic reaction to any ingredient of this vaccine." "What the Pfizer people are saying is that if you have a history of a severe allergic reaction, you should either not take this vaccine, or if you do take it, take it in the context of a place where if . It lodges there and ends up causing inflammation. Experimental setup of manufacturing of Turkey red oil. H20 (water) naturally has SOME oxygen, but H202 has even more, so its probably not going to be the beverage-of-choice at the junior prom. You should research the truth behind polio.The Moth In The Iron Lung, by Forrest MaReady is a great book on the real history of polio. The first thing to have in mind is that Polysorbate 80 is a wetting ingredient. I am just getting over my latest attack as I write, after having a McDonalds BBQ dip two days ago. their choice. I recommend Dissolving Illusions by Humphries and Bystrianyk. Always follow the money. While it may be true that there are studies to show that vaccines dont cause harm, this is not true for ALL of the people who receive them. List of ingredients in each vaccine, straight from the horses mouth:https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/downloads/appendices/B/excipient-table-2.pdf. Brush off any excess mixture. In fact Turkey Red Oil was one of the earliest synthetic detergents. Mix fully with the whisk. Hi Marie Be gentle. Referring to radiation and chemo, its shown to make it worse. They also have a fiber product thats way better.. I have stearic acid on hand. Unfortunately, allergies and disease are also things we are used to seeing, and medical studies are beginning to make connections between some of these toxins and damage to our bodies. Thanks. It is both a surfactant and an emulsifier. OMG! I have read a lot of your blogs and watched a lot of your youtube videos if not all of them and I am still trying to figure out if I can create a good moisturizing lightweight face cream using only cetyl alcohol and stearic acid? Please dont make a swap like this, they dont work. This is a very useful article and I will refer back to it often! In all honestly everything stems back to the FDA who we thought was suppose to o ly approve safe food for us to eat. Mix well so that the mixture has a uniform consistency. Happy bath bomb making! Your email address will not be published. This study suggests a link between the ingredient and infertility in mice. I am making shower steamers, so I dont need any skin care ingredient. In a heat proof container melt the butter and wax, then combine this with the baking soda. Ice cream should only consist of cream/milk, sugar and what ever type of fruit it is labled as. I dont remember noticing any magic, but those are all great ingredients and would be good for the skin . Couldnt have said it better myself. Its so very helpful. Revista dedicada a la medicina Estetica Rejuvenecimiento y AntiEdad. Polysorbate 20 is a benign and stable emulsifier and detergent that many utilize in households, scientific, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical applications. 3. Millions or billions of dollars later some revisions can be made and demostrably unsafe products pulled. Another product at Walmart worth looking into is Move Free with(Hyaluronic acid) great discovery, that our bodies make already, but we lose as we age. Asbestos is a mineral, for crying out loud. Mixing water and oil together creates a dispersion of oil droplets in water. Polysorbate 20 is usually used as an oil-in-water (O/W) type emulsifier and solubilizer. Let us know what you find!!! Same goes for liquid colorants. Why use it? Due to its ability to work as a surfactant, polysorbate 80 is often found in many different cleansers and body washes. What sort of human would even sign up for such experiments?? Several years ago my daughter brought home some cream which I started using in my coffee. However, if youre making a dusting powder that calls for powdered silk, liquid silk would not be a good alternative. 9005-65-6. Why cant they seem to understand that my body ISNT like theirs?! Hey ..dont be so easily turned aroundeliminating items is the best way to determine allergies. So depending on your recipe and results you want to achieve, you could use this ingredient instead. Now that I have stopped using any chemical skincare products, my skin HATES anything not all natural. My kids just had extensive allergy testing through a specialized lab at my Integrative Pediatricians orders. This means that polysorbate 80 is better at emulsifying heavier oils. I exercised daily and was in excellent condition even after having 3 kids. I could never figure out which ingredient, but as Im wanting to get the Covid vaccine but with caution due to my prior reactions, I decided to seek help from an allergist. If this were your child what would you conclude? They have all vegetables and fruits in them. Um I believe talc is titanium dioxide.. ? It blended in perfectly. Additionally, polysorbate 80 has FDA approval as an ingredient in eye drops. My mixture mixes perfectly with the amounts of wet ingredients Im using now w 2.5 oz of butter & oil mixed w 3.15 oz of ps80. I take it you believe no form of polysorbate is safe? These effects were demonstrated in newborn mice which were injected with Polysorbate 80. My bombs end up being too greasy, I think I add too much witch hazel? No one wants to spend time scrubbing the bathtub after what was supposed to be a relaxing bath bomb experience. I want to learn more on paying not paying taxes since its against our constitutional right to be taxed on our labor.The more we know ??????? By the age of 40 I was diagnosed with IBS which I translate; we dont know what is really wrong with you so we will just give it a name. I will try this! Modern diets are severly compromised and create consumers of allopathic treatment methods. We breathe them in thanks to polluted air, we unwittingly apply them to our skin, serve them up disguised in our foods, not to mention inhaling cigarette smoke, even as a by-product of someone elses life choices. I think sheeple believing in fairy tale propaganda and made up vaccine history and delivering ad hominem attacks is truly scary. Australian red clay is very pigmented and I have used it to make lipstick, but some readers ended up getting a very different colour than I did because their Aussie red clay was slightly different than mine. Only add more alcohol if the mixture wont hold together easily. I react very strongly to Sorbital and Manitol. Polysorbate substances aid in the dissolution of other components in a solvent in which they would not typically dissolve. The modulator inhibits the reaction between the acid and the baking soda, giving you more time to mix in the liquid. There is a doctor by the name of Dr. Burzynski whos been curing cancer since 1977 without using drugs or chemicals. The food in this country is a REAL problem that I hope we figure it out before we ruin the next generation. [CDATA[ They are already 1/4 of the worlds population. The TRO+GG combo will thicken your concoction, so anything that you are putting in a spray bottle isnt compatible with this method as thicker liquids will not mistthey aggressively squirt. Dont use oils where water based ingredients are called for (and vice versa), and be sure to consider the state of your ingredients (solid or liquid) and the state of the final product before making any switches. It was determined I had a severe reaction and it was reported to the manufacturer. To what scale? I would rather trust the FDA of the EU as their restrictions are much better and more trustworthy. It was like inhaling CS gas without the burn. Patients have the right to true informed consent with any medical intervention. If you literally mean ONLY cetyl alcohol and stearic acid, then noyoull just be making a brick. Clearly you dont do solid research. After a few days I started having body aches. They have similar chemical structures, with the only difference being that the type of fatty acid that is attached. I personally prefer that. Obviously you have nothing better to do than commenting in a vicious manner about other peoples comments. Its used in a lot of dog shampoos & some sites say you should avoid it, but I dont know it its part of the hype you mentioned above. Need I go on? I was born with ADHD. Not sure if it is in the Flu Vaccines. Polysorbate 80 is a synthetic compound derived frompolyethoxylatedsorbitanandoleic acid. Nope. When used alone, polysorbate 80 is excellent at dissolving essential oils into formulations and has good function as a thickener, stabilizer and prevents static. I have begun to make Shower Steamers and they are working quite well, but someone suggested I used Polysorbate 80 which would improve them. Polysorbate 80 is also an emulsifier. If you are chemist then thats great.Wouldnt your time be better served helping people instead of attacting them with your words. Unfortunately I am not sure what you could add, you could get another solubizer and mix it in with them to see if it will help. I swear youd think some adults would be smarter and think before they post. am completely in love with Polysorbate 80 (Poly 80). youth basketball tyler, tx. Vegetables, fruit, milk, meat, grains. Turkey-red oil and coconut oil, owing to their emulsifying . Also was wanting your input on what your thoughts were on a cream for the face with silk powder, panthenol, niacinamide and if you have ever tried these together and if you noticed any fantastic things from it. Are you introducing an ingredient with a notably high or low pH where there was none (or an opposite one) before? Both, Polysorbates 80 and Polysorbate 20, are emulsifiers and solubilizers that are used to emulsify small amounts of oils (or butter, fragrance) into water. These effects occur at relevant concentrations and may contribute to the impact of dietary factors on Crohns disease pathogenesis. We need to do away with these groups that fail to meet their purpose. Required fields are marked *. Every time I eat something like cream cheese my face comes out in painful boils. Just look into the history of vaccines and those who have profited from them. Its an emulsifier, people. If a lotion recipe calls for water you could use aloe juice or a floral hydrosol instead because both are fundamentally water. I dont know why any side of anything thinks that calling the other side stupid will actually make the other side any less stupid. Mixing water and oil together creates a dispersion of oil droplets in water. Not a good idea, these things are super different! As an aside: Many years ago I noticed a defamatory title re. Continuous exposure to chemicals can cause allergic reactions. Hi Kirstin Ive just had blood tests and I am awaiting skin allergy tests too. I was advised against the AstraZenica vaccination as this does contain PS80. Are you using a carrier oil in your shower steamers? Isopropyl alcohol evaporates quickly so you can avoid the worst of the fizz. I hope you watch them and get something out of them as well. My purpose would be to disburse the mica color. I found this forum after seeing it on a label for a jar of pickles at Charleston Farmers Market. Point blank, periodFDA included. Poly 20 is often used to emulsify lighter oils, such as fragrance or essential oils, into water. Thank you @Not Insane. Okay Pat, Get a life. Emulsifiers improve the consistency of a product, which enables an even distribution of the benefits of the key ingredients. Medicine is changing. Same goes when introducing a new ingredient to a bath bomb mix. In this video I am comparing bath bomb made with Polysorbate 80 and without. It has been revealed by Robert Kennedy, Jr, that CDC owns, sells and profits from the sales of vaccines. As we age, our bodys ability to produce ubiquinone and convert it into its active form of ubiquinol diminishes significantly. Vaccination STILL IS a medical intervention. Moreover, they suggest that the broad use of emulsifying agents might be contributing to an increased societal incidence of obesity/metabolic syndrome and other chronic inflammatory diseases. I also just discovered polysorbate80 in a can of coconut milk that I just bought (sigh should hv read label more carefully).. Who is ACTUALLY the quack? Of course not. This is a commonly used emulsifier of essential oils and oil based fragrances and it is naturally derived from Lauric Acid (coconut oil). Poly 80 disperses carrier oils/butters. Each dose is charged .75 that goes to this trust. That was sophomore yr and he is now almost 22 and just getting independent bowel movement training back. Skin fresheners, skincare products, skin washing products, cosmetics bases and foundations, shampoos, permanent waves, and fragrance powders are other goods that include Polysorbate 80. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'thegoodhuman_com-banner-1','ezslot_5',105,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thegoodhuman_com-banner-1-0');In medicine, polysorbate 80 is a common excipient and solubilizing agent. Ill definitely be staying away from unnatural products now. The only solution I have come across is TheVenusProject.com by Jacques Fresco may he rest in peace. An example would be using vinegar instead of water in a conditioner recipe to make an acidic conditioner, eliminating the need for an acidic rinse. The evidence suggests that this ingredient is potentially toxic, particularly the lower grade versions which are typically used in cosmetics that list Polysorbate 80 in their ingredients lists.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'thegoodhuman_com-leader-3','ezslot_17',111,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thegoodhuman_com-leader-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'thegoodhuman_com-leader-3','ezslot_18',111,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thegoodhuman_com-leader-3-0_1');.leader-3-multi-111{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. Not a good idea! YOUR KIDS DEPEND ON YOU TO MAKE THESE CHOICES FOR THEM. Likewise, this concept is why polysorbate-80, (yes, the chemical), can definitely cause an adverse reaction biologically, but wont kill you either (unless youre feeling ambitious). They really opened our eyes. I was actually wondering as well about a substitute for Poly 80. polysorbate 80 vs turkey red oil. Do a little research. Well in 1949 an epidemic of polo was going around and many members of my mothers family got the polo virus including my mom but almost all except my mom received the polo vaccine due to she was pregnant needless to say my mother suffered her who life. How they can read the ingredients list of any vaccine and think that way is beyond me but they do. Its going out. Its what else is in the makeup i.e., is it pure? I had researched the vaccine and it did not have Polysorbate in it. You are going to insult our intelligence with your own ignorance? I love you! In a similar vein, the study linked here connected Polysorbate 80 to exacerbated Crohns Disease. Beware! This will not only solve the aesthetical problem but will improve the feel of the water (since oils will actually mix with the water) and how the skin feels after. Wow I have heard a lot of misinformed people make comments on gluten but yours Absolutely Hilarious is not funny at all!You obviously know nothing about food allergies, the levels and severities involved or what is currently being done to make food a shelf stable product instead of food. It is in a coq10 product that I need for my heart. Your email address will not be published. There are plenty of other brands to choose from or just avoid them all. Thus, the only reviews, test results and ratings that I trust must come from independent testing that is completely unaffiliated with the manufacturers, distributors, and sellers of the product. (Yes, he had that skill prior to the DTaP) So, we are NOT ANTI SCIENCE people. Water-soluble colour can be added to the alcohol in the spritz bottle. I found Polysorbate 80 in my J**** vitamin. I also use a free drops with warm water as mouthwash. Surfactants are particularly important in cleansers and body washes as they help to lift dirt and oils that have accumulated on the skin and allow them to be washed away. can be quite irritating if applied topically and left on for hours). Thanks, Ashlynn! All environmental causes. . It is certainly a concern when we consider that some vaccines may contain Polysorbate 80. We should be more concerned about all the big macs and other terrible food and alcohol we are consuming. It concerns me. Thank You, Reconsider your vaccine schedule. Which means you should be trained in and possess a higher knowledge base of ingredients as a professional and all you have to say is that you cant find anything wrong with it? I just now notice its in my eye drops!!! Your body has to fight the effects of the poisons in these items so youre getting less than nothing. This happened to me, too. Iron oxides are a good match for potency, but they cannot match the huered iron oxide is quite a rusty/muddy red. Hahahaha! I have done the elimination tests and can put it down to cream cheeses and yogurts which are not organic/live. I used it in my coffee each morning. If so, be wary of adding ingredients with more extreme pHs like calcium carbonate. I ate pasta, cheeses, drank wine and had no stomach issues. How much alcohol you need depends on the relative humidity in your air. They are water soluble but can be infused into oils, though some give a better colour than others. But no more!! I also had heart surgery as a child, so no adrenaline. If you are not sure about eating something and do not feel good about the ingredients then do not eat it. Then go after the dairy industry which is a disgrace to all humans and the poor cows. Thats because it was determined to be completely harmless in the concentrations that it is used. But as a wiser and older gentleman, you should know how safe FDA approved products truly are. For example, sorbitol is made from corn, but it can also be made from birch. The report on Skin Deep gives Polysorbate a moderate hazard, with a 3/10 rating, but the contaminants ethylene oxide and 1,4-dioxane have ratings as a high hazard (8/10 and 10/10). I was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer in September 2018 and had 2 anaphylactic reactions one from my chemo and one from a vaccination I had to do 5 days after my chemo. Is this concoction for use around the eyes or on other sensitive bits of the body? Which is normal. You could probably leave it out (unless its your preservative!). There is a ton of half truths going around on blogs that people unfortunately, copy & paste. I just found out there is Mercury in vaccinations. Hes obviously been ingesting too much polysorbate 80, Which carried ignorance across his bbb!Ya think? Too, wore pulmonary embolism tights for the six week period for the pains in my legs. Sulfites are sometimes used in foods to keep them from drying out or clumpingthings like MANY dried fruits or nuts. Just no! Similar to sorbitan esters, when ingested, polysorbate is hydrated into fatty acid moiety and polyoxyethylene sorbitan moiety.4 The fatty acids go through absorption and metabolism, whereas the polyoxyethylene sorbitan portions are poorly absorbed and excrete the body intact.4 Acute and long-term oral toxicity studies have shown that polysorbates have a relatively low risk of toxicity.4 The . Black pepper extract is another enhanced absorption ingredient that is GRAS but that may cause problems for some folks. Wrap the bath bombs in plastic wrap or shrink wrap, if desired, to make them more secure if you are gifting them. It has numerous articles, but ultimately it is a massive collection of scientific studies relating to any and every aspect of health, nutrition and medical treatments. Their colours are unreliable, they generally arent very potent, and will oxidize and fade over time, especially if your concoction contains water. Red turkey oil (sulfated castor oil) - this oil is water soluble and helps . I do agree with you Herman many of these chemicals have ZERO effect on the majority of people while others like myself have terrible reactions. The most toxic substance known to man I N O U R M O U T H S. These people should be thrown in jail. 3%Tea tree . polysorbate 80 vs turkey red oil. So if you use 1 tablespoon of oil add half tablespoon of Poly 80. My son had gastrointestinal problems for a number of years. I am saying that this article cant be used as a reliable source in that it is clearly biased with no scientific backing. Dont discount science. Out-of-stock . Polio, measles, smallpox, etc. My mother had it 4 times & the 5th time came back as pancreatic. Everyone I know, (including my Dr,) thinks Im mad for being so wary about having this vaccine. When reading labels, be aware that it can also go by Alkest, Canarcel and Tween. The cosmetic grade of polysorbate 80 may have more impurities than the food grade. 1. NOOOOOOT GOOOD. You should be proud. Your skin is a direct sign of what is going on inside your gut. If they did find a way their funding would be disrupted plus the pharmaceutical and CEOs wouldnt be off and on so many vacations. ( c) The additive is used or intended for use as follows: ( 1) An emulsifier in ice cream, frozen custard, ice milk, fruit sherbet, and nonstandardized frozen desserts, when used alone or in combination with polysorbate 65 whereby . Pudding packs, kraft macaroni and cheese, top ramen etc, All the stuff people think are ok to consume but really is not food. Saponification number 45-55. However, the oil and water can separate if the product is left to settle. People are truly sheeple, believing that complete strangers have their best interests at hand. Recently, my daughter bought a different brand of cream, which I started using in my coffee. Who is it for?All skin types except those that have an identified allergy to it. Cigarettes were once approved and touted as healthy. Polysorbate 80 is used as an emulsifier to blend oil and water in cosmetics. Its just all about the toxins to them whatever that means. And it makes you wonder why fertility rates are so low these days too.I wonder how long it will be before this covid vax is forced on us.. What I want to know is why BICKS Pickles are now adding Polysorbate 80 to the Dill Pickles with Garlic ingredients list? polysorbate 80 vs turkey red oilbest german restaurants in america. Jojoba Oil is the smallest type of molecule that mimics the skins sebum and is more of a wax than an oil. High amounts of deodorant are found in breast tissue of woman with breastcancer. Red turkey oil (sulfated castor oil) this oil is water soluble and helps to emulsify other oils into water. gotta love this toxic country, dont use it !!!!!!!! FDA SHOULD BE ABOLISHED! Oh good god dont look up things through mercola. Now we have dukawallah and maridadi from the Hindi and Kiswahili. Synthetic anything isnt. Ubiquinone CoQ10 is the active form of CoQ10 approximately 95% of the CoQ10 circulating in our body is in the form of ubiquinol. Grafana Templating Init Failed Datasource Named Was Not Found, Chris Brown Net Worth 2021, Lakeside Golf Club Initiation Fee, How To Use Cuttlebone Plastic Clip, Articles P
it passed after an hour or so. After exhaustive COQ10 research, and as a non-medical person, I conclude that supplementation with it can be useful/desirable, for many people. Emulsifiers improve the consistency of a product, which enables an even distribution of the benefits of the key ingredients. However, it is also listed in the handbook of green chemicals. Its a bit bitter though, but I got used to it quickly. Herbal extracts and spices have varying solubilities, but are often water soluble. Lol. Where to start? While Poly 80 is used for heavier oils (carrier oils). Im on Facebook as Christopher Dresbach location Covington, KY. . They are mostly used in a water-based product such as shampoos, hair sprays and shower gels. UNTIL RESEARCH IS DONE ON NO- VACCD vs. VACCD, WE JUST DONT HAVE THE CORRECT SCIENTIFIC PROOF. People forget all the products the FDA has approved over the years that is later taken off the shelvesafter the damage is done and people have died or permanently injured. They took it out but continued to sell exhausting stocks of mercury containing vaccines the last was out by 2006 approx.It is still present (2019) in multidose flu vaccines. Im allergic to all polysorbates, Ive had nasal polyps removed three times over the years, my Doctor was treating me with prescription drugs containing polysorbates made the condition worse. For example, many pregnant women avoid Rosemary herbs like the plague. He seems no more evil than you or I. Of course, youd also have 1900g of other carroty things in the cake that the recipe wasnt expecting. I mean, unless all the cancer rates, allergies to PESTICIDES-NOT food, illness, i.e. Your husband is a chemist and you are an Aesthetician??? You are so correct Ron. Far fetched I know, but cogito ergo sum. Your husband is a chemist; that means hes educated and in a better place to refute misinformation and quackery. Allergenic and toxic are not at all the same thing. . In polysorbate 20 it is lauric acid and in polysorbate 80 it is oleic acid. The new wonder drug for morning sickness. I was taking this product for about two months before I KNEWIT WAS THIS QUNOL MEGA COQ10 VITAMINS. Talk about hypochondria. Im assuming if you have any sort of allergy youre probably dealing with a leaky gut. In food: frozen desserts, shortenings, baking mixes and icings, canned veggies, yeast, cottage cheese, pickles, flavored mouth drops, shortening, margarine, dry mixes, peanut butter, ice cream, baked items, dairy products, dough conditionerif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'thegoodhuman_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_8',106,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thegoodhuman_com-large-leaderboard-2-0'); In cosmetics: hair care products, skin fresheners, cosmetics bases, foundations, shampoos, permanent waves products, fragrance powders, bath products, face cleansers, infant shampoos, face creams, linen sprays, balms, ointments, pomades, hair sprays, sunblocks. Acid number 0-2. Nothing about what you said makes this a toxic product. I would like to know what it is made from. I saw on a few websites that these ingredients are found in foods, and Ive never experienced an allergic reaction from foods before. Only 6% of the so called deaths from C-19 were actually caused by it! Agreed!!!! I read your blog. FULL disclosure with no tricks added, Thanks. You are a fool. I WAS TAKING 1 CAPSULE 100 MGS.,QUNOL, MEGA COQ10, DAILY. The FDA doesnt care about you either. Please read this FAQ for more information. I found it because I was looking up PS80 to find out what it was, and because I am trying to make some natural skin care products that dont cause problems to people or the environment so could anyone tell me what I could use instead of PS80 to solubilise waxes, creams and liquids (like essential oils) please. Because its affects the food that it is in.. Thats becuz our generation is as sick as ever. It belongs to a class of compounds called polysorbates. Individually, it is an excellent solubilizer of essential oils, wetting agent . Id probably choose fractionate coconut oil , Hi Marie, I will look for pickles without this. Such would enable would-be patients to stay whole and sound and not reliable customers. This means that if you add Poly80, you need to add less of your other wetting ingredients (water, witch hazel, alcohol). consider the deeds of the Clinton Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, etc. The bovine extracthope it doesnt contain other diseases, right?African Green Monkey liver extract? While the information there is useful, you have to know the limitations. Ty Bollinger also created The Truth About Vaccines. And all the other awake people on this forum!!! You will be delighted yet mad that we didnt implement this way of life long ago. Just looked this up because I saw it on the jar of dill pickle I just bought. If youre making cosmetics, iron oxides are a must (the amount of spices or herbal extracts youd need to add to get the same level of colour can really throw off a recipe, not to mention some spices [cinnamon!] It makes way more sense than the nonsense we live in these days. Therefore: "You should not get the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine if you: had a severe allergic reaction to any ingredient of this vaccine." "What the Pfizer people are saying is that if you have a history of a severe allergic reaction, you should either not take this vaccine, or if you do take it, take it in the context of a place where if . It lodges there and ends up causing inflammation. Experimental setup of manufacturing of Turkey red oil. H20 (water) naturally has SOME oxygen, but H202 has even more, so its probably not going to be the beverage-of-choice at the junior prom. You should research the truth behind polio.The Moth In The Iron Lung, by Forrest MaReady is a great book on the real history of polio. The first thing to have in mind is that Polysorbate 80 is a wetting ingredient. I am just getting over my latest attack as I write, after having a McDonalds BBQ dip two days ago. their choice. I recommend Dissolving Illusions by Humphries and Bystrianyk. Always follow the money. While it may be true that there are studies to show that vaccines dont cause harm, this is not true for ALL of the people who receive them. List of ingredients in each vaccine, straight from the horses mouth:https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/downloads/appendices/B/excipient-table-2.pdf. Brush off any excess mixture. In fact Turkey Red Oil was one of the earliest synthetic detergents. Mix fully with the whisk. Hi Marie Be gentle. Referring to radiation and chemo, its shown to make it worse. They also have a fiber product thats way better.. I have stearic acid on hand. Unfortunately, allergies and disease are also things we are used to seeing, and medical studies are beginning to make connections between some of these toxins and damage to our bodies. Thanks. It is both a surfactant and an emulsifier. OMG! I have read a lot of your blogs and watched a lot of your youtube videos if not all of them and I am still trying to figure out if I can create a good moisturizing lightweight face cream using only cetyl alcohol and stearic acid? Please dont make a swap like this, they dont work. This is a very useful article and I will refer back to it often! In all honestly everything stems back to the FDA who we thought was suppose to o ly approve safe food for us to eat. Mix well so that the mixture has a uniform consistency. Happy bath bomb making! Your email address will not be published. This study suggests a link between the ingredient and infertility in mice. I am making shower steamers, so I dont need any skin care ingredient. In a heat proof container melt the butter and wax, then combine this with the baking soda. Ice cream should only consist of cream/milk, sugar and what ever type of fruit it is labled as. I dont remember noticing any magic, but those are all great ingredients and would be good for the skin . Couldnt have said it better myself. Its so very helpful. Revista dedicada a la medicina Estetica Rejuvenecimiento y AntiEdad. Polysorbate 20 is a benign and stable emulsifier and detergent that many utilize in households, scientific, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical applications. 3. Millions or billions of dollars later some revisions can be made and demostrably unsafe products pulled. Another product at Walmart worth looking into is Move Free with(Hyaluronic acid) great discovery, that our bodies make already, but we lose as we age. Asbestos is a mineral, for crying out loud. Mixing water and oil together creates a dispersion of oil droplets in water. Polysorbate 20 is usually used as an oil-in-water (O/W) type emulsifier and solubilizer. Let us know what you find!!! Same goes for liquid colorants. Why use it? Due to its ability to work as a surfactant, polysorbate 80 is often found in many different cleansers and body washes. What sort of human would even sign up for such experiments?? Several years ago my daughter brought home some cream which I started using in my coffee. However, if youre making a dusting powder that calls for powdered silk, liquid silk would not be a good alternative. 9005-65-6. Why cant they seem to understand that my body ISNT like theirs?! Hey ..dont be so easily turned aroundeliminating items is the best way to determine allergies. So depending on your recipe and results you want to achieve, you could use this ingredient instead. Now that I have stopped using any chemical skincare products, my skin HATES anything not all natural. My kids just had extensive allergy testing through a specialized lab at my Integrative Pediatricians orders. This means that polysorbate 80 is better at emulsifying heavier oils. I exercised daily and was in excellent condition even after having 3 kids. I could never figure out which ingredient, but as Im wanting to get the Covid vaccine but with caution due to my prior reactions, I decided to seek help from an allergist. If this were your child what would you conclude? They have all vegetables and fruits in them. Um I believe talc is titanium dioxide.. ? It blended in perfectly. Additionally, polysorbate 80 has FDA approval as an ingredient in eye drops. My mixture mixes perfectly with the amounts of wet ingredients Im using now w 2.5 oz of butter & oil mixed w 3.15 oz of ps80. I take it you believe no form of polysorbate is safe? These effects were demonstrated in newborn mice which were injected with Polysorbate 80. My bombs end up being too greasy, I think I add too much witch hazel? No one wants to spend time scrubbing the bathtub after what was supposed to be a relaxing bath bomb experience. I want to learn more on paying not paying taxes since its against our constitutional right to be taxed on our labor.The more we know ??????? By the age of 40 I was diagnosed with IBS which I translate; we dont know what is really wrong with you so we will just give it a name. I will try this! Modern diets are severly compromised and create consumers of allopathic treatment methods. We breathe them in thanks to polluted air, we unwittingly apply them to our skin, serve them up disguised in our foods, not to mention inhaling cigarette smoke, even as a by-product of someone elses life choices. I think sheeple believing in fairy tale propaganda and made up vaccine history and delivering ad hominem attacks is truly scary. Australian red clay is very pigmented and I have used it to make lipstick, but some readers ended up getting a very different colour than I did because their Aussie red clay was slightly different than mine. Only add more alcohol if the mixture wont hold together easily. I react very strongly to Sorbital and Manitol. Polysorbate substances aid in the dissolution of other components in a solvent in which they would not typically dissolve. The modulator inhibits the reaction between the acid and the baking soda, giving you more time to mix in the liquid. There is a doctor by the name of Dr. Burzynski whos been curing cancer since 1977 without using drugs or chemicals. The food in this country is a REAL problem that I hope we figure it out before we ruin the next generation. [CDATA[ They are already 1/4 of the worlds population. The TRO+GG combo will thicken your concoction, so anything that you are putting in a spray bottle isnt compatible with this method as thicker liquids will not mistthey aggressively squirt. Dont use oils where water based ingredients are called for (and vice versa), and be sure to consider the state of your ingredients (solid or liquid) and the state of the final product before making any switches. It was determined I had a severe reaction and it was reported to the manufacturer. To what scale? I would rather trust the FDA of the EU as their restrictions are much better and more trustworthy. It was like inhaling CS gas without the burn. Patients have the right to true informed consent with any medical intervention. If you literally mean ONLY cetyl alcohol and stearic acid, then noyoull just be making a brick. Clearly you dont do solid research. After a few days I started having body aches. They have similar chemical structures, with the only difference being that the type of fatty acid that is attached. I personally prefer that. Obviously you have nothing better to do than commenting in a vicious manner about other peoples comments. Its used in a lot of dog shampoos & some sites say you should avoid it, but I dont know it its part of the hype you mentioned above. Need I go on? I was born with ADHD. Not sure if it is in the Flu Vaccines. Polysorbate 80 is a synthetic compound derived frompolyethoxylatedsorbitanandoleic acid. Nope. When used alone, polysorbate 80 is excellent at dissolving essential oils into formulations and has good function as a thickener, stabilizer and prevents static. I have begun to make Shower Steamers and they are working quite well, but someone suggested I used Polysorbate 80 which would improve them. Polysorbate 80 is also an emulsifier. If you are chemist then thats great.Wouldnt your time be better served helping people instead of attacting them with your words. Unfortunately I am not sure what you could add, you could get another solubizer and mix it in with them to see if it will help. I swear youd think some adults would be smarter and think before they post. am completely in love with Polysorbate 80 (Poly 80). youth basketball tyler, tx. Vegetables, fruit, milk, meat, grains. Turkey-red oil and coconut oil, owing to their emulsifying . Also was wanting your input on what your thoughts were on a cream for the face with silk powder, panthenol, niacinamide and if you have ever tried these together and if you noticed any fantastic things from it. Are you introducing an ingredient with a notably high or low pH where there was none (or an opposite one) before? Both, Polysorbates 80 and Polysorbate 20, are emulsifiers and solubilizers that are used to emulsify small amounts of oils (or butter, fragrance) into water. These effects occur at relevant concentrations and may contribute to the impact of dietary factors on Crohns disease pathogenesis. We need to do away with these groups that fail to meet their purpose. Required fields are marked *. Every time I eat something like cream cheese my face comes out in painful boils. Just look into the history of vaccines and those who have profited from them. Its an emulsifier, people. If a lotion recipe calls for water you could use aloe juice or a floral hydrosol instead because both are fundamentally water. I dont know why any side of anything thinks that calling the other side stupid will actually make the other side any less stupid. Mixing water and oil together creates a dispersion of oil droplets in water. Not a good idea, these things are super different! As an aside: Many years ago I noticed a defamatory title re. Continuous exposure to chemicals can cause allergic reactions. Hi Kirstin Ive just had blood tests and I am awaiting skin allergy tests too. I was advised against the AstraZenica vaccination as this does contain PS80. Are you using a carrier oil in your shower steamers? Isopropyl alcohol evaporates quickly so you can avoid the worst of the fizz. I hope you watch them and get something out of them as well. My purpose would be to disburse the mica color. I found this forum after seeing it on a label for a jar of pickles at Charleston Farmers Market. Point blank, periodFDA included. Poly 20 is often used to emulsify lighter oils, such as fragrance or essential oils, into water. Thank you @Not Insane. Okay Pat, Get a life. Emulsifiers improve the consistency of a product, which enables an even distribution of the benefits of the key ingredients. Medicine is changing. Same goes when introducing a new ingredient to a bath bomb mix. In this video I am comparing bath bomb made with Polysorbate 80 and without. It has been revealed by Robert Kennedy, Jr, that CDC owns, sells and profits from the sales of vaccines. As we age, our bodys ability to produce ubiquinone and convert it into its active form of ubiquinol diminishes significantly. Vaccination STILL IS a medical intervention. Moreover, they suggest that the broad use of emulsifying agents might be contributing to an increased societal incidence of obesity/metabolic syndrome and other chronic inflammatory diseases. I also just discovered polysorbate80 in a can of coconut milk that I just bought (sigh should hv read label more carefully).. Who is ACTUALLY the quack? Of course not. This is a commonly used emulsifier of essential oils and oil based fragrances and it is naturally derived from Lauric Acid (coconut oil). Poly 80 disperses carrier oils/butters. Each dose is charged .75 that goes to this trust. That was sophomore yr and he is now almost 22 and just getting independent bowel movement training back. Skin fresheners, skincare products, skin washing products, cosmetics bases and foundations, shampoos, permanent waves, and fragrance powders are other goods that include Polysorbate 80. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'thegoodhuman_com-banner-1','ezslot_5',105,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thegoodhuman_com-banner-1-0');In medicine, polysorbate 80 is a common excipient and solubilizing agent. Ill definitely be staying away from unnatural products now. The only solution I have come across is TheVenusProject.com by Jacques Fresco may he rest in peace. An example would be using vinegar instead of water in a conditioner recipe to make an acidic conditioner, eliminating the need for an acidic rinse. The evidence suggests that this ingredient is potentially toxic, particularly the lower grade versions which are typically used in cosmetics that list Polysorbate 80 in their ingredients lists.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'thegoodhuman_com-leader-3','ezslot_17',111,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thegoodhuman_com-leader-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'thegoodhuman_com-leader-3','ezslot_18',111,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thegoodhuman_com-leader-3-0_1');.leader-3-multi-111{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. Not a good idea! YOUR KIDS DEPEND ON YOU TO MAKE THESE CHOICES FOR THEM. Likewise, this concept is why polysorbate-80, (yes, the chemical), can definitely cause an adverse reaction biologically, but wont kill you either (unless youre feeling ambitious). They really opened our eyes. I was actually wondering as well about a substitute for Poly 80. polysorbate 80 vs turkey red oil. Do a little research. Well in 1949 an epidemic of polo was going around and many members of my mothers family got the polo virus including my mom but almost all except my mom received the polo vaccine due to she was pregnant needless to say my mother suffered her who life. How they can read the ingredients list of any vaccine and think that way is beyond me but they do. Its going out. Its what else is in the makeup i.e., is it pure? I had researched the vaccine and it did not have Polysorbate in it. You are going to insult our intelligence with your own ignorance? I love you! In a similar vein, the study linked here connected Polysorbate 80 to exacerbated Crohns Disease. Beware! This will not only solve the aesthetical problem but will improve the feel of the water (since oils will actually mix with the water) and how the skin feels after. Wow I have heard a lot of misinformed people make comments on gluten but yours Absolutely Hilarious is not funny at all!You obviously know nothing about food allergies, the levels and severities involved or what is currently being done to make food a shelf stable product instead of food. It is in a coq10 product that I need for my heart. Your email address will not be published. There are plenty of other brands to choose from or just avoid them all. Thus, the only reviews, test results and ratings that I trust must come from independent testing that is completely unaffiliated with the manufacturers, distributors, and sellers of the product. (Yes, he had that skill prior to the DTaP) So, we are NOT ANTI SCIENCE people. Water-soluble colour can be added to the alcohol in the spritz bottle. I found Polysorbate 80 in my J**** vitamin. I also use a free drops with warm water as mouthwash. Surfactants are particularly important in cleansers and body washes as they help to lift dirt and oils that have accumulated on the skin and allow them to be washed away. can be quite irritating if applied topically and left on for hours). Thanks, Ashlynn! All environmental causes. . It is certainly a concern when we consider that some vaccines may contain Polysorbate 80. We should be more concerned about all the big macs and other terrible food and alcohol we are consuming. It concerns me. Thank You, Reconsider your vaccine schedule. Which means you should be trained in and possess a higher knowledge base of ingredients as a professional and all you have to say is that you cant find anything wrong with it? I just now notice its in my eye drops!!! Your body has to fight the effects of the poisons in these items so youre getting less than nothing. This happened to me, too. Iron oxides are a good match for potency, but they cannot match the huered iron oxide is quite a rusty/muddy red. Hahahaha! I have done the elimination tests and can put it down to cream cheeses and yogurts which are not organic/live. I used it in my coffee each morning. If so, be wary of adding ingredients with more extreme pHs like calcium carbonate. I ate pasta, cheeses, drank wine and had no stomach issues. How much alcohol you need depends on the relative humidity in your air. They are water soluble but can be infused into oils, though some give a better colour than others. But no more!! I also had heart surgery as a child, so no adrenaline. If you are not sure about eating something and do not feel good about the ingredients then do not eat it. Then go after the dairy industry which is a disgrace to all humans and the poor cows. Thats because it was determined to be completely harmless in the concentrations that it is used. But as a wiser and older gentleman, you should know how safe FDA approved products truly are. For example, sorbitol is made from corn, but it can also be made from birch. The report on Skin Deep gives Polysorbate a moderate hazard, with a 3/10 rating, but the contaminants ethylene oxide and 1,4-dioxane have ratings as a high hazard (8/10 and 10/10). I was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer in September 2018 and had 2 anaphylactic reactions one from my chemo and one from a vaccination I had to do 5 days after my chemo. Is this concoction for use around the eyes or on other sensitive bits of the body? Which is normal. You could probably leave it out (unless its your preservative!). There is a ton of half truths going around on blogs that people unfortunately, copy & paste. I just found out there is Mercury in vaccinations. Hes obviously been ingesting too much polysorbate 80, Which carried ignorance across his bbb!Ya think? Too, wore pulmonary embolism tights for the six week period for the pains in my legs. Sulfites are sometimes used in foods to keep them from drying out or clumpingthings like MANY dried fruits or nuts. Just no! Similar to sorbitan esters, when ingested, polysorbate is hydrated into fatty acid moiety and polyoxyethylene sorbitan moiety.4 The fatty acids go through absorption and metabolism, whereas the polyoxyethylene sorbitan portions are poorly absorbed and excrete the body intact.4 Acute and long-term oral toxicity studies have shown that polysorbates have a relatively low risk of toxicity.4 The . Black pepper extract is another enhanced absorption ingredient that is GRAS but that may cause problems for some folks. Wrap the bath bombs in plastic wrap or shrink wrap, if desired, to make them more secure if you are gifting them. It has numerous articles, but ultimately it is a massive collection of scientific studies relating to any and every aspect of health, nutrition and medical treatments. Their colours are unreliable, they generally arent very potent, and will oxidize and fade over time, especially if your concoction contains water. Red turkey oil (sulfated castor oil) - this oil is water soluble and helps . I do agree with you Herman many of these chemicals have ZERO effect on the majority of people while others like myself have terrible reactions. The most toxic substance known to man I N O U R M O U T H S. These people should be thrown in jail. 3%Tea tree . polysorbate 80 vs turkey red oil. So if you use 1 tablespoon of oil add half tablespoon of Poly 80. My son had gastrointestinal problems for a number of years. I am saying that this article cant be used as a reliable source in that it is clearly biased with no scientific backing. Dont discount science. Out-of-stock . Polio, measles, smallpox, etc. My mother had it 4 times & the 5th time came back as pancreatic. Everyone I know, (including my Dr,) thinks Im mad for being so wary about having this vaccine. When reading labels, be aware that it can also go by Alkest, Canarcel and Tween. The cosmetic grade of polysorbate 80 may have more impurities than the food grade. 1. NOOOOOOT GOOOD. You should be proud. Your skin is a direct sign of what is going on inside your gut. If they did find a way their funding would be disrupted plus the pharmaceutical and CEOs wouldnt be off and on so many vacations. ( c) The additive is used or intended for use as follows: ( 1) An emulsifier in ice cream, frozen custard, ice milk, fruit sherbet, and nonstandardized frozen desserts, when used alone or in combination with polysorbate 65 whereby . Pudding packs, kraft macaroni and cheese, top ramen etc, All the stuff people think are ok to consume but really is not food. Saponification number 45-55. However, the oil and water can separate if the product is left to settle. People are truly sheeple, believing that complete strangers have their best interests at hand. Recently, my daughter bought a different brand of cream, which I started using in my coffee. Who is it for?All skin types except those that have an identified allergy to it. Cigarettes were once approved and touted as healthy. Polysorbate 80 is used as an emulsifier to blend oil and water in cosmetics. Its just all about the toxins to them whatever that means. And it makes you wonder why fertility rates are so low these days too.I wonder how long it will be before this covid vax is forced on us.. What I want to know is why BICKS Pickles are now adding Polysorbate 80 to the Dill Pickles with Garlic ingredients list? polysorbate 80 vs turkey red oilbest german restaurants in america. Jojoba Oil is the smallest type of molecule that mimics the skins sebum and is more of a wax than an oil. High amounts of deodorant are found in breast tissue of woman with breastcancer. Red turkey oil (sulfated castor oil) this oil is water soluble and helps to emulsify other oils into water. gotta love this toxic country, dont use it !!!!!!!! FDA SHOULD BE ABOLISHED! Oh good god dont look up things through mercola. Now we have dukawallah and maridadi from the Hindi and Kiswahili. Synthetic anything isnt. Ubiquinone CoQ10 is the active form of CoQ10 approximately 95% of the CoQ10 circulating in our body is in the form of ubiquinol.

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polysorbate 80 vs turkey red oil